{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"In our implementation of JPALazyDataModel we have methods to return the full lists of both filtered and unfiltered\nvalues using iterator() + IteratorUtils.toList which are primarily used for custom CSV exports. We found that this will\nrun N queries to assemble all the data (N = # rows / # pages), which changes based on rows per page selection, and\ncauses certain operations to timeout for taking too long.\n\nI made a recent performance enhancement to these to instead call load for the full set of data in one shot.\n\n // getLazyDataModel() returns the current instance of JPALazyDataModel\n public List T getValues() {\n- return IteratorUtils.toList(\n- getLazyDataModel().iterator());\n+ final LazyDataModel T model = getLazyDataModel();\n+ Map String, SortMeta sortMeta = this.getBinding().getSortByAsMap();\n+ Map String, FilterMeta filterMeta = Collections.emptyMap();\n+ return model.load(0, model.count(filterMeta), sortMeta, filterMeta);\n }\n\n public List T getFilteredValues() {\n- return IteratorUtils.toList(\n- getLazyDataModel().iterator(this.getBinding().getSortByAsMap(), this.getBinding().getFilterByAsMap()));\n+ final LazyDataModel T model = getLazyDataModel();\n+ Map String, SortMeta sortMeta = this.getBinding().getSortByAsMap();\n+ Map String, FilterMeta filterMeta = this.getBinding().getFilterByAsMap();\n+ return model.load(0, model.count(filterMeta), sortMeta, filterMeta);\n }\n\nThis is mostly FYI + WDYT? Should we consider changing the impl of iterator for JPALazyDataModel to take this efficiency\ninto consideration? @Rapster @tandraschko @melloware\n","created":"2024-05-23T16:29:47.000Z","hl_text":null,"hl_title":"JPALazyDataModel iterator performance","id":"6718763","num_comments":6,"number":2014,"repo":{"repository":{"id":690441613,"name":"community","owner_id":3494069,"owner_login":"primefaces","updated_at":"2023-09-12T07:50:14.337Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"JPALazyDataModel iterator performance","url":"/primefaces/community/discussions/2014","updated":"2024-05-28T23:31:06.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/83613837?s=48&v=4","user_id":83613837,"user_login":"FlipWarthog"},{"body":"First Check\n\n - [X] I added a very descriptive title here.\n - [X] I used the GitHub search to find a similar question and didn t find it.\n - [X] I searched the FastAPI documentation, with the integrated search.\n - [X] I already searched in Google How to X in FastAPI and didn t find any information.\n - [X] I already read and followed all the tutorial in the docs and didn t find an answer.\n - [X] I already checked if it is not related to FastAPI but to Pydantic.\n - [X] I already checked if it is not related to FastAPI but to Swagger UI.\n - [X] I already checked if it is not related to FastAPI but to ReDoc.\n\nCommit to Help\n\n - [X] I commit to help with one of those options 👆\n\nExample Code\n\nfrom typing import Annotated\nfrom fastapi import FastAPI, Depends\n\napp = FastAPI()\n\n\ndef my_dep_fn():\n return 2\n\n\n@app.get( / )\nasync def root():\n return 1\n\n\n@app.get( /slow )\nasync def slow(my_dep=Annotated[int, Depends(my_dep_fn)]):\n return 1\n\nDescription\n\nI ve noticed that using Annotated dependancies like in the docs, the performance hit is huge (around a 50% performance\nhit). I ve ran the snipped of code above on my M3 Pro Macbook Pro and the differences are noticeable:\n\nwrk -t12 -c300 -d15s http://localhost:8000/\nRunning 15s test @ http://localhost:8000/\n 12 threads and 300 connections\n Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev\n Latency 13.51ms 28.07ms 648.17ms 98.77%\n Req/Sec 2.26k 198.33 3.34k 78.61%\n 406104 requests in 15.04s, 48.41MB read\n Socket errors: connect 0, read 465, write 0, timeout 0\nRequests/sec: 27008.01\nTransfer/sec: 3.22MB\n\nvs\n\nwrk -t12 -c300 -d15s http://localhost:8000/slow\nRunning 15s test @ http://localhost:8000/slow\n 12 threads and 300 connections\n Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev\n Latency 32.03ms 80.36ms 1.23s 97.62%\n Req/Sec 1.15k 117.65 1.74k 71.67%\n 206276 requests in 15.07s, 24.59MB read\n Socket errors: connect 0, read 771, write 0, timeout 0\nRequests/sec: 13684.37\nTransfer/sec: 1.63MB\n\nAs you can see I just added the annotated dependancy to the function, I am not doing anything with the function and the\nserver is responding in half the speed.\n\nIs this performance hit normal and expected ?\n\nOperating System\n\nmacOS\n\nOperating System Details\n\nNo response\n\nFastAPI Version\n\n0.111.0\n\nPydantic Version\n\n - \nPython Version\n\n3.12\n\nAdditional Context\n\nNo response\n","created":"2024-05-29T21:35:01.000Z","hl_text":"... Annotated dependancies like in the docs, the performance hit is huge (around a 50% performance\nhit). I ve ran the snipped of code above on my M3 Pro Macbook Pro and the differences are noticeable:\n\nwrk ...","hl_title":"Annotated deps - big performance hit","id":"6749218","num_comments":10,"number":11654,"repo":{"repository":{"id":160919119,"name":"fastapi","owner_id":1326112,"owner_login":"tiangolo","updated_at":"2024-06-01T19:20:39.722Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Annotated deps - big performance hit","url":"/tiangolo/fastapi/discussions/11654","updated":"2024-05-31T09:08:50.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/171190911?s=48&v=4","user_id":171190911,"user_login":"eddy2by4"},{"body":"Version Number\n\n7.51.5 (latest)\n\nThe Code\n\nhttps://stackblitz.com/edit/chakra-ui-react-hook-form-demo?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FForm.tsx\n\nSteps to reproduce\n\nClick Submit button\n\nThe problem\n\nIn my real project i have somewhat same size form as in this example, 20+ inputs, mostly uncontrolled and UI done with\nChakra. The problem that i m facing is that when i submit the form and the validation starts, it takes several seconds\nto validate the fields and sometimes it seems like the UI is frozen and unresponsive. If you check the console of the\nexample, you can see that every field is re-rendered multiple times, is this the correct behaviour? I ve also tried to\nshow a spinner while the validation process is ongoing, but the isValidating state is changed on every input validate,\nso it wont stay true for the whole validation process. Thank you in advance.\n\nhttps://github.com/react-hook-form/react-hook-form/assets/16006046/a0fcb8f1-355a-400e-853d-74b76ab5c6a8\n","created":"2024-05-29T19:53:27.000Z","hl_text":"Version Number\n\n7.51.5 (latest)\n\nThe Code\n\nhttps://stackblitz.com/edit/chakra-ui-react-hook-form-demo?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FForm.tsx\n\nSteps to reproduce\n\nClick Submit button\n\nThe problem\n\nIn my real ...","hl_title":"Performance issue, adding spinner while validating","id":"6748947","num_comments":2,"number":11949,"repo":{"repository":{"id":174038031,"name":"react-hook-form","owner_id":53986236,"owner_login":"react-hook-form","updated_at":"2024-06-01T04:22:24.021Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Performance issue, adding spinner while validating","url":"/react-hook-form/react-hook-form/discussions/11949","updated":"2024-05-30T10:44:57.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16006046?s=48&v=4","user_id":16006046,"user_login":"Nostalginen"},{"body":"We recently discovered the app we maintain for our company has a performance issue. The crux of the matter is that we\nfetch a large dataset and reference it with useQuery many places in the application incl. at the top most level of the\npage. We update the data optimistically (offline support), hence the whole page gets rerendered on every small change.\n\nI thought about splitting the dataset inside the queryFn and manually put them in separate caches with setQueryData, but\nthen we would have to optimistically update the data multiple places. Not ideal.\n\nWe could do the same but in a useEffect. Then when the main cache is updated the data would automatically sync to the\nother caches.\n\nThen I remembered that you can use the initialData option, but we wouldn t have a queryFn to set. Unless we wrapped\ngetQueryData in a promise and split the dataset this way 🤔, but then how would we sync the data between the caches?\nPerhaps with invalidateQueries in a useEffect.\n\nWhat seems the better option? Are there any better way to do this? Any help appreciated!\n","created":"2024-05-26T12:22:12.000Z","hl_text":"We recently discovered the app we maintain for our company has a performance issue. The crux of the matter is that we\nfetch a large dataset and reference it with useQuery many places in the ...","hl_title":"Performance issue with large dataset","id":"6730742","num_comments":2,"number":7482,"repo":{"repository":{"id":207645083,"name":"query","owner_id":72518640,"owner_login":"TanStack","updated_at":"2024-06-01T20:09:00.609Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Performance issue with large dataset","url":"/TanStack/query/discussions/7482","updated":"2024-05-26T14:22:25.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/28800766?s=48&v=4","user_id":28800766,"user_login":"boosja"},{"body":"Hey,\n\nI m currently using useQuery in some of my list items, which results in some scenarios in hundreds of listeners. Is this\na good practice or should I switch to reading directly from the cache using queryClient where possible?\n","created":"2024-05-24T09:57:27.000Z","hl_text":"Hey,\n\nI m currently using useQuery in some of my list items, which results in some scenarios in hundreds of listeners. Is this\na good practice or should I switch to reading directly from the cache using ...","hl_title":"Performance question regarding many observers","id":"6722521","num_comments":1,"number":7473,"repo":{"repository":{"id":207645083,"name":"query","owner_id":72518640,"owner_login":"TanStack","updated_at":"2024-06-01T20:09:00.609Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Performance question regarding many observers","url":"/TanStack/query/discussions/7473","updated":"2024-05-24T14:20:57.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15731988?s=48&v=4","user_id":15731988,"user_login":"Zerebokep"},{"body":"!---\n\n - If you use Cloudflare Tunnel or Cloudflare Proxy, see\n https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one#notes-on-cloudflare-proxytunnel for known issues/limitations and\n workarounds.\n - For issues with Collabora or Talk, make sure to follow https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/1358. It\n may already resolve your issue and makes it easier to help you.\n\n!--- Please fill out the whole template below --\n\nSteps to reproduce\n\n1. Add webdav share to windows explorer\n2. Upload files\n\nExpected behavior !--- Tell us what should happen --\n\nAll files should be uploaded normally and with decent speed (my setup is local, so over 2.5G ethernet)\n\nActual behavior !--- Tell us what happens instead --\n\nFiles take forever to upload. Large files upload fast at the start, but stop at 99% of upload and then are stuck there\nfor minutes. Small files are uploading, but with very bad speed (i am talking 10KB/s)\n\nHost OS !--- (the host OS on which you are trying to install AIO on) --\n\nUnraid\n\nNextcloud AIO version !--- (see Nextcloud AIO interface) --\n\nNextcloud AIO v8.2.1\n\nCurrent channel !--- (see the channel name in the AIO interface) --\n\nOther valuable info !--- (like logs, screenshots Co.) --\n\nI have tried using the nextcloud application on windows and that works. Upload speeds look good so far.\n","created":"2024-05-20T11:39:22.000Z","hl_text":"!---\n\n - If you use Cloudflare Tunnel or Cloudflare Proxy, see\n https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one#notes-on-cloudflare-proxytunnel for known issues/limitations and\n workarounds.\n - For issues ...","hl_title":"Webdav performance is extremely slow","id":"6700061","num_comments":1,"number":4681,"repo":{"repository":{"id":433383766,"name":"all-in-one","owner_id":19211038,"owner_login":"nextcloud","updated_at":"2024-06-01T12:02:28.228Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Webdav performance is extremely slow","url":"/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/4681","updated":"2024-05-21T09:00:24.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13993216?s=48&v=4","user_id":13993216,"user_login":"Joly0"},{"body":"I play the osu! on my android device(Android13,CPU with Dimensity 810).It only have less than 60fps, and when the\nbeatmap have a large number of objects,the osu! will be lag. So when can osu! plan to optimize the performance on\nAndroid devices or how can I enhance my fps?Could someone tell me?\n","created":"2024-05-31T10:07:29.000Z","hl_text":"I play the osu! on my android device(Android13,CPU with Dimensity 810).It only have less than 60fps, and when the\nbeatmap have a large number of objects,the osu! will be lag. So when can osu! plan to optimize the performance on\nAndroid devices or how can I enhance my fps?Could someone tell me?\n","hl_title":"When can osu! optimize the performance on Android?","id":"6755758","num_comments":2,"number":28364,"repo":{"repository":{"id":22456440,"name":"osu","owner_id":995763,"owner_login":"ppy","updated_at":"2024-06-01T19:15:58.227Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"When can osu! optimize the performance on Android?","url":"/ppy/osu/discussions/28364","updated":"2024-05-31T13:58:44.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/119842900?s=48&v=4","user_id":119842900,"user_login":"100925afg"},{"body":"Just starting out on a project to make a control panel for ham radio project. I found EncoderTool and looks like it s a\nperfect fit and very well done.\n\nNot having much experience with the Arduino (Nano) looking for a feel for how it would work with an optical encoder\nwith 360 PPR using the 74HC165 multiplexer board. The Nano would only be used to capture Encoders, and set LED s state,\nso not much otherwise.\n\nThe idea is to use an optical encoder with 360PPR for the main tuning/frequency control, and the possibly using 6 of the\nmore common mechanical encoders for slower and less resolution (24PPR) for other settings like Volume, etc.\n\nLikely want to capture the switches so I m guessing Polling mode? Would that be fast enough for a fast spin of the\nfrequency select knob? Sorry fast is pretty subjective :)\n\nThanks for any feedback before I start ordering parts!\n\nSandy\n","created":"2024-05-04T20:06:38.000Z","hl_text":"Just starting out on a project to make a control panel for ham radio project. I found EncoderTool and looks like it s a\nperfect fit and very well done.\n\nNot having much experience with the Arduino (Nano) ...","hl_title":"Resolution and Performance","id":"6606689","num_comments":2,"number":41,"repo":{"repository":{"id":263095092,"name":"EncoderTool","owner_id":12611497,"owner_login":"luni64","updated_at":"2024-04-19T14:03:50.532Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Resolution and Performance","url":"/luni64/EncoderTool/discussions/41","updated":"2024-05-05T17:16:11.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/5179047?s=48&v=4","user_id":5179047,"user_login":"sganz"},{"body":"I ve been getting started using multipass on a Windows 11 device. Below I ve included output from fastfetch - I m using\na reasonably new and powerful Lenovo Slim 7 Pro X\n\nOne thing I ve noticed is that a relatively common command - multipass list - takes 40 seconds to return.\n\nI typically use git-bash on Windows, but I also tried powershell. Both take the same amount of time.\n\nIn our modern world of short attention spans and immediate feedback, 40 seconds without a spinner is where people can\nstart getting frustrated and just hitting ctrl+c.\n\nUPDATE 3 - resolved after deleting primary instance\n\nSince the primary was unreachable, it seems the network was waiting for a timeout before returning. After deleting it,\nmy multipass list is fast.\n\nUPDATE 2- fast when primary is suspended\n\nRight now I m querying multipassd from my local windows git-bash shell - I have a specific address but it s local - and\nit s fast (less than a second). Then I tried to run primary and it failed, and also multipass list became slow again.\n\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ time MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS= multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Suspended -- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\n\nreal 0m0.475s\nuser 0m0.015s\nsys 0m0.000s\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS= multipass shell primary\nstart failed: The following errors occurred:\nprimary: timed out waiting for response\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ time MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS= multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\n\nreal 0m40.518s\nuser 0m0.000s\nsys 0m0.015s\n\n\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ ping primary.mshome.net\n\nPinging primary.mshome.net [] with 32 bytes of data:\nReply from Destination net unreachable.\nReply from Destination net unreachable.\nReply from Destination net unreachable.\n\nPing statistics for\n Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0% loss),\nControl-C\n\nUPDATE 1: remote results of multipass list from WSL2 client\n\nFollowing the instructions at https://multipass.run/docs/how-to-use-multipass-remotely-a-preview#heading--windows I ran\nmultipass list from WSL2 as a client with basically the same results. Steps that I used to set this up, in case anyone\nis curious - and some of these steps may not be necessary:\n\n - install a plain WSL2 instance using wsl --install - this got me Ubuntu 22.04\n - inside the WSL2 instance, run this: cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk {print $2} - save the resulting ip\n address - in my case\n - in powershell, execute C:\\windows\\System32\\services.msc and look for Multipass Service - select the properties for\n it\n - stop the multipassd service. also shut down mutlipass.gui.exe using CTRL+ALT_DELETE\n - as noted in the multipass docs above, pass the address to the start command - in my case:\n --address and click start\n - (maybe unnecessary) I opened a new terminal and ran the multipass.gui.exe from a git-bash shell on windows like\n this: MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS= multipass.gui.exe - you can send it to the background if you want\n - the gui should pop up and it should accurately show your multipass instances\n - from WSL2, execute this: MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS= multipass list\n\nUnfortunately it takes about the same amount of time, altho it seemed fast for a moment.\n\nFastfetch results\n\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ fastfetch\n///////////////// ///////////////// ben@lenovo-legion\n///////////////// ///////////////// -----------------\n///////////////// ///////////////// OS: Windows 11 (Pro) x86_64\n///////////////// ///////////////// Host: 82V2 (Slim 7 ProX 14ARH7)\n///////////////// ///////////////// Kernel: 10.0.22631.3593 (23H2)\n///////////////// ///////////////// Uptime: 19 hours, 11 mins\n///////////////// ///////////////// Packages: 35 (scoop)\n///////////////// ///////////////// Shell: bash 5.2.26\n Display (CSO1410): 3072x1920 @ 60Hz (as 1536x960) [Built-in]\n///////////////// ///////////////// DE: Fluent\n///////////////// ///////////////// WM: Desktop Window Manager\n///////////////// ///////////////// WM Theme: Aero - Blue (System: Light, Apps: Light)\n///////////////// ///////////////// Font: Segoe UI (12pt) [Caption / Menu / Message / Status]\n///////////////// ///////////////// Cursor: Windows Default (32px)\n///////////////// ///////////////// Terminal: Windows Terminal 1.19.11213.0\n///////////////// ///////////////// Terminal Font: Cascadia Mono (12pt)\n///////////////// ///////////////// CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 6900HS Creator Edition (16) @ 4.92 GHz\n GPU 1: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics (3.97 GiB) [Discrete]\n GPU 2: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU (3.88 GiB) [Discrete]\n Memory: 13.32 GiB / 27.69 GiB (48%)\n Swap: 81.42 MiB / 6.00 GiB (1%)\n Disk (C:\\): 188.18 GiB / 953.14 GiB (20%) - NTFS\n Local IP (Wi-Fi): *\n Battery: 50% [Discharging]\n Locale: en-US\n\nTimed commands\n\nGit-bash\n\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ time multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\n\nreal 0m40.720s\nuser 0m0.000s\nsys 0m0.000s\nben@lenovo-legion packer-jammy-box [add-packer-ubuntu]$ time multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\n\nreal 0m40.709s\nuser 0m0.000s\nsys 0m0.015s\n\nPowershell\n\nPS C:\\Users\\ben multipass list\nName State IPv4 Image\nprimary Running N/A Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nlawful-mandrill Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS\nPS C:\\Users\\ben Measure-Command { multipass list }\n\nDays : 0\nHours : 0\nMinutes : 0\nSeconds : 40\nMilliseconds : 709\nTicks : 407095383\nTotalDays : 0.000471175211805556\nTotalHours : 0.0113082050833333\nTotalMinutes : 0.678492305\nTotalSeconds : 40.7095383\nTotalMilliseconds : 40709.5383\n\nPS C:\\Users\\ben Measure-Command { multipass list }\n\nDays : 0\nHours : 0\nMinutes : 0\nSeconds : 40\nMilliseconds : 440\nTicks : 404405028\nTotalDays : 0.000468061375\nTotalHours : 0.011233473\nTotalMinutes : 0.67400838\nTotalSeconds : 40.4405028\nTotalMilliseconds : 40440.5028\n","created":"2024-05-20T00:31:16.000Z","hl_text":"I ve been getting started using multipass on a Windows 11 device. Below I ve included output from fastfetch - I m using\na reasonably new and powerful Lenovo Slim 7 Pro X\n\nOne thing I ve noticed is that ...","hl_title":"Slow performance on `multipass list` expected?","id":"6697095","num_comments":1,"number":3532,"repo":{"repository":{"id":114128199,"name":"multipass","owner_id":53057619,"owner_login":"canonical","updated_at":"2024-05-31T20:15:06.987Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Slow performance on `multipass list` expected?","url":"/canonical/multipass/discussions/3532","updated":"2024-05-21T03:56:34.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/5614134?s=48&v=4","user_id":5614134,"user_login":"jcrben"},{"body":"There are lots of options in fooocus LCM, Turbo Speed: very quick but poor quality when it s the rich prompt. The\ndefault model: It seems to use steps and better quality but the performance is poor.\n\nHow can I configure the settings to ensure that the processing time stays under 15 seconds while also maintaining the\nquality of the images when using a detailed prompt?\n","created":"2024-05-17T20:38:40.000Z","hl_text":"There are lots of options in fooocus LCM, Turbo Speed: very quick but poor quality when it s the rich prompt. The\ndefault model: It seems to use steps and better quality but the performance is poor ...","hl_title":"The best trade-off of performance & quality.?","id":"6684944","num_comments":4,"number":2944,"repo":{"repository":{"id":676676006,"name":"Fooocus","owner_id":19834515,"owner_login":"lllyasviel","updated_at":"2024-05-31T20:41:36.097Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"The best trade-off of performance & quality.?","url":"/lllyasviel/Fooocus/discussions/2944","updated":"2024-05-18T17:13:57.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/91205658?s=48&v=4","user_id":91205658,"user_login":"oldhand7"}],"type":"discussions","page":1,"page_count":100,"elapsed_millis":79,"errors":[],"result_count":13539,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dis%253Adiscussion%2Bperformance%2Bis%253Aanswered%26type%3Ddiscussions","metadata":null},"title":"Discussion search results"}