{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"TLDR: We have completely overhauled the UI for Frigate to focus on specific common user goals. It’s a big change and we\nhope you love it. This is just where we started, and the new UI isn’t entirely at feature parity with the current\nrelease yet.\n\nUpdated Documentation\n\nGuided Demo of new UI\n\nWe plan to release the first beta soon.\n\nBackground\n\nFrigate started as a stateless object detection pipeline for live video fees with information relayed over MQTT to be\nused in Home Assistant. Initially, I had no intention of building a UI for it. HomeAssistant was the UI. After a few\nyears of releases in January 2021, a community contribution with a basic web UI was made as a part of version 0.8.0.\nSince then, the UI has always been treated as a basic interface to expose some of the backend information that Frigate\nwas using to detect and track objects. As new features like clips and recordings were added the UI was updated to\nprovide an interface to view them.\n\nA new approach\n\nAs Frigate has become more mature, it has evolved from a real time object detection pipeline into an NVR. While it still\nlacks some of the customization and features from NVR solutions that have existed for longer, many users are migrating\nfrom those platforms and using Frigate as their primary NVR solution. However, Frigate’s UI was never designed around\nspecific user goals, nor was any real thought put into the efficiency of accomplishing common tasks.\n\nFrigate+ was created in part to help fund the future development of Frigate. While still in the early phases, the\ninitial revenue from Frigate+ subscriptions created an opportunity to hire outside resources for revamping Frigate’s UI.\nAfter looking at various options, I decided to hire Jim Designs.\n\nThe Goals\n\nI wanted to design the new UI around specific user goals with the intent to have a UI that allows accomplishing those\ngoals as quickly and efficiently as possible. The following goals are where we started. I expect we will continue to\nfind better ways of accomplishing these goals in the future as well as incorporate additional goals.\n\nWhat is happening right now and/or what just happened?\n\nThe first use case centers around the need to quickly see what is happening or what just happened. Imagine you hear a\nsound outside, your dog barks, or the doorbell rings and you want to quickly be able to see your cameras.\n\nThe new home page for Frigate is intended to be a real time dashboard for your cameras. Recent alerts are represented by\nanimated thumbnails in a filmstrip view above your camera feeds. Your camera images update once per minute when no\ndetectable activity is occurring to conserve bandwidth and resources. As soon as any motion is detected, cameras\nseamlessly switch to a live stream. In addition, camera groups have been added so you can quickly switch between indoor\nand outdoor cameras.\n\nSelecting a camera takes you to a new live view where the scroll wheel can be used to zoom in and out.\n\nWhat happened last night (or the past 24 hours)?\n\nA common use case for security cameras is reviewing last night’s footage for any concerning activity. The first step of\nthat process is checking to see what Frigate detected. In the current UI, this is accomplished by scrolling through your\nevents. Because events are simply low level tracked objects, their time ranges may overlap or still be in progress. This\nmakes it difficult to review a timeline of video without jumping around or watching the same section of video multiple\ntimes. If a person walks by with their dog and a car drives by at the same time, you will end up with 3 separate events\nall with overlapping time ranges. It is difficult to reason about what periods of time you have and haven’t reviewed.\n\nIn order to switch to a more timeline oriented review process, we implemented a new area of the app for reviewing video\nfootage. When reviewing, Frigate intelligently identifies parts of your timeline for review by leveraging the underlying\ndata about motion and tracked objects. These time periods are mutually exclusive, so once you have reviewed a portion of\nthe timeline for a camera, it is marked as reviewed.\n\nThe other primary focus was on efficiency. We wanted users to be able to review these segments as efficiently as\npossible. Rather than scrolling through a timeline and trying to align a single point with an indication of activity, we\nimplemented a scrollable grid of thumbnails alongside a timeline. Hovering (or swiping on mobile) over the thumbnails\nwill start a preview playback for the segment inline. You can also grab the progress bar to scrub through the segment.\n\nAfter watching a segment, it is marked as reviewed.\n\nLastly, not all segments are created equal. Video of people who enter your property are a different priority than those\nwalking by on the sidewalk. By default, all person and car objects are considered alerts. You can refine what ends up in\nthe alert tab by configuring required zones for your events.\n\nWas anything missed last night?\n\nIn the current release, there isn’t a way to see motion activity on a timeline and watch video at that time. The ability\nto scrub video for things Frigate missed has been one of the most common feature requests.\n\nWithin the Motion tab of review, you can now scrub through the timeline for all cameras simultaneously with a timeline\nshowing relative motion activity.\n\nIn order to avoid scrubbing over time periods already included in alerts and detections, you can scrub in motion only\nmode.\n\nOther Notable Improvements\n\n - Many improvements have been made to improve the usability of the mobile UI\n - Live view now displays full-resolution camera streams\n - Cameras with non standard aspect ratios like panoramic and portrait fit into the UI seamlessly\n - Zone / mask editor has been improved to be easier to use and makes more options fully configurable in the UI\n - Tune motion detection in real-time directly in the UI\n","created":"2024-04-28T13:46:47.000Z","hl_text":"TLDR: We have completely overhauled the UI for Frigate to focus on specific common user goals. It’s a big change and we\nhope you love it. This is just where we started, and the new UI isn’t entirely at ...","hl_title":"Rebuilding the Frigate UI for 0.14","id":"6573557","num_comments":983,"number":11136,"repo":{"repository":{"id":167694194,"name":"frigate","owner_id":569905,"owner_login":"blakeblackshear","updated_at":"2024-06-16T12:55:31.648Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Rebuilding the Frigate UI for 0.14","url":"/blakeblackshear/frigate/discussions/11136","updated":"2024-06-16T15:24:19.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/569905?s=48&v=4","user_id":569905,"user_login":"blakeblackshear"},{"body":"Welcome to giscus!\n\nhttps://giscus.app\n\n!-- giscus hash: cad60a29d1b50cbeb42ec2ff630fc508afb1d2e3 --\n","created":"2021-05-14T22:53:53.000Z","hl_text":"Welcome to giscus!\n\nhttps://giscus.app\n\n!-- giscus hash: cad60a29d1b50cbeb42ec2ff630fc508afb1d2e3 --\n","hl_title":"Welcome to giscus!","id":"3366446","num_comments":919,"number":62,"repo":{"repository":{"id":351958053,"name":"giscus","owner_id":81452695,"owner_login":"giscus","updated_at":"2024-06-15T00:23:46.793Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Welcome to giscus!","url":"/giscus/giscus/discussions/62","updated":"2024-06-16T14:49:06.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/106117?s=48&v=4","user_id":81026895,"user_login":"giscus[bot]"},{"body":"有制作模板需求的,请提交在这里。\n\n格式如下\n\n- 名称:APP或者网站名称\n- 类型:APP或者网站\n- 网址:APP或者网站地址\n- 相关:是否有相关脚本或模板以供参考,如有,请提供相关地址\n- 描述:功能需求的简单描述\n\nPS:不提供阿里系,腾讯系,字节系,美团系,银行类,苹果系,MS系,新闻类,政治类,支付工具,小程序类等模板制作; 模板仅供学习框架使用,模板增加并学习完成后请自行删除请求\n模板更新后CDN会在24小时内更新,请耐心等待或直接从仓库下载har源文件\n","created":"2022-02-17T04:18:32.000Z","hl_text":"有制作模板需求的,请提交在这里。\n\n格式如下\n\n- 名称:APP或者网站名称\n- 类型:APP或者网站\n- 网址:APP或者网站地址\n- 相关:是否有相关脚本或模板以供参考,如有,请提供相关地址\n- 描述:功能需求的简单描述\n\nPS:不提供阿里系,腾讯系,字节系,美团系,银行类,苹果系,MS系,新闻类,政治类,支付工具,小程序类等模板制作; 模板仅供学习框架使用,模板增加并学习完成后请自行删除请求 ...","hl_title":"求模板区","id":"3882531","num_comments":875,"number":171,"repo":{"repository":{"id":264083437,"name":"templates","owner_id":65381530,"owner_login":"qd-today","updated_at":"2024-06-16T00:02:31.011Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"求模板区","url":"/qd-today/templates/discussions/171","updated":"2024-06-16T11:21:14.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23102821?s=48&v=4","user_id":23102821,"user_login":"wjf0214"},{"body":"(Updated to v1.7.1 on June 7, 2024) - your Custom Build will also include these updates:\nhttps://github.com/djphazer/O_C-Phazerville/compare/PSv1.7.1...phazerville\n\nBuild Your Own Firmware!\n\nI ve set up an automated GitHub Action to handle Custom Firmware Build requests for Teensy 3.2\n\nTo initiate it, leave a comment starting with /buildthis followed by a list of the Apps and features you want. Use\nspaces or commas as delimiters. Anything that doesn t look like a valid keyword is ignored.\n\nHemisphere - and all of the applets - are included by default, with 4 preset slots. If you don t want Hemisphere, use\nkeyword NO_HEMI or NOHEMI to exclude it and all applets, leaving more space for other Apps.\n\nBelow is a list of the features, and approximately how much of the remaining flash storage space they consume. If you go\nover 100% it will fail! There is also very limited EEPROM space for app settings... More rough calculations here. Try to\npractice moderation, and keep things focused by picking just a handful of tools and you ll be fine. Good luck!\n\nFeature keywords:\n\n - VOR - for Plum Audio units\n - FLIP - upside-down orientation\n - Grids2 - alternate patterns for DrumMap\n - Buchla - hardware support for 1.2V/Oct scaling and unipolar 0-10V outputs\n - PEWPEWPEW or say Pew 3 times - 8 Presets in Hemisphere + Phazerville easter eggs\n - Double presets mean double the EEPROM consumption (uses 256 of 1024 bytes)\n - MOAR_PRESETS - 16 Presets in Hemisphere (uses 512 out of 1024 bytes)\n - (consumes about half of EEPROM - limits room for other apps!)\n\nApp keywords:\n\n - NO_HEM or NOHEMI - Exclude Hemisphere and all applets, which frees up about 50% of total Flash storage\n - Calibr8or (5.8%)\n - Scenes (4.7%)\n - MIDI aka Captain (12.8%)\n - Pong (1.3%)\n - Enigma (15.5%)\n - (will not save TM library if Acid Curds is included, see #75)\n - Darkest Timeline (5.1%)\n - Neural Net (14%)\n - CopierMaschine (14.8%)\n - Harrington 1200 (10.5%)\n - Automatonnetz (7.9%)\n - Quantermain (17.9%)\n - Meta-Q (14.2%)\n - Quadraturia (13%)\n - LORENZ aka Low-rents (3.3%)\n - Piqued (22.2%)\n - Sequins (32%)\n - BBGEN aka Dialectic (6%)\n - BYTE aka Viznutcracker (7.1%)\n - Acid Curds (14.9%)\n - (overrides Enigma TM storage)\n - Passencore (12.5%)\n - References aka REFS (???)\n\nAfter about a minute, check the status here: Custom Build If successful, you can download the Artifact containing a .hex\nfile. (Use a browser, not the GitHub mobile app!)\n\nImprovements to the comment parser script are welcome - Python is not my specialty ;)\n\nPlease Buy Me a Ko-Fi! ☕⚡\n","created":"2023-12-17T07:27:44.000Z","hl_text":"(Updated to v1.7.1 on June 7, 2024) - your Custom Build will also include these updates:\nhttps://github.com/djphazer/O_C-Phazerville/compare/PSv1.7.1...phazerville\n\nBuild Your Own Firmware!\n\nI ve set up ...","hl_title":"Custom Build Requests","id":"5968210","num_comments":791,"number":38,"repo":{"repository":{"id":512782041,"name":"O_C-Phazerville","owner_id":109086194,"owner_login":"djphazer","updated_at":"2024-06-16T16:47:11.180Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Custom Build Requests","url":"/djphazer/O_C-Phazerville/discussions/38","updated":"2024-06-16T11:12:14.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/109086194?s=48&v=4","user_id":109086194,"user_login":"djphazer"},{"body":"I am very interested in what you create with sketchybar, and would enjoy to see some of your setups. Share them below\nand consider linking your dotfiles, such that others can use your setup as a starting point for their configuration.\n","created":"2021-09-22T23:13:15.000Z","hl_text":"I am very interested in what you create with sketchybar, and would enjoy to see some of your setups. Share them below\nand consider linking your dotfiles, such that others can use your setup as a starting ...","hl_title":"Share your setups","id":"3587958","num_comments":540,"number":47,"repo":{"repository":{"id":395684015,"name":"SketchyBar","owner_id":22680421,"owner_login":"FelixKratz","updated_at":"2024-05-28T08:12:24.270Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Share your setups","url":"/FelixKratz/SketchyBar/discussions/47","updated":"2024-06-16T00:56:14.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22680421?s=48&v=4","user_id":22680421,"user_login":"FelixKratz"},{"body":"Mod Compatibility\n\nA maintained list of known mods and compatibility state in regards to Connector.\n\nHelp us test!\n\nWe welcome any help. If you have tested or experienced issues with a mod and would like let us know, just comment on\nthis post and we ll look into listing the mod. Thanks!\n\nCompatibility statuses\n\n - ✅Compatible - This mods is tested and verified to be compatible with Connector\n - ⚠️Functional - This mod loads with Connector, but might contain bugs\n - ❌Incompatible - This mod is not compatible with Connector\n\nStatus list\n\n| 📦 Mod Name | 🔗 Link | ❓ Status | 🗒️ Notes |\n| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |\n| LambDynamicLights | Modrinth | ✅ | |\n| Tech Reborn | CurseForge | ✅ | |\n| Terrestria | Modrinth | ✅ | |\n| Traverse | Modrinth | ✅ | |\n| Immersive Portals | Modrinth | ⚠️Functional | Likely to cause bugs when used with other (Forge) mods. br/ See the\nissue tracker for ongoing issues |\n| amecs api | GitHub | ❌ | Conflicting mixins with Forge s keybind API |\n| Forge Config API Port | CurseForge | ❌ | Provides modified versions of Forge config classes |\n| Reach Entity Attributes | GitHub | ❌ | Conflicts with Forge attribute modifiers |\n| Sodium | Modrinth | ❌ | Conflicts with Forge s Early Loading Screen |\n| FREX | Modrinth | ❌ | Conflicts with Forge s rendering pipeline |\n| Indium | Modrinth | ❌ | Conflicts with Forge s rendering pipeline |\n","created":"2023-08-08T15:01:16.000Z","hl_text":"Mod Compatibility\n\nA maintained list of known mods and compatibility state in regards to Connector.\n\nHelp us test!\n\nWe welcome any help. If you have tested or experienced issues with a mod and would like ...","hl_title":"Mod Compatibility Thread","id":"5499896","num_comments":933,"number":12,"repo":{"repository":{"id":645504703,"name":"Connector","owner_id":135172129,"owner_login":"Sinytra","updated_at":"2024-06-06T17:08:20.528Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Mod Compatibility Thread","url":"/Sinytra/Connector/discussions/12","updated":"2024-06-15T23:28:55.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51261569?s=48&v=4","user_id":51261569,"user_login":"Su5eD"},{"body":"If you are using Astro at your company or organization, please share the URL here!\n\n - https://nordvpn.org\n - https://firebase.blog\n - https://tech.trivago.com\n - https://www.thinkmill.com.au\n - https://designcember.com\n - https://dayofthedead.holiday\n - https://openmoji.org\n - https://unicorn-utterances.com\n - https://miduconf.com\n - https://midufest.com\n - https://theguardian.engineering\n - See the full showcase →\n","created":"2023-03-09T21:26:20.000Z","hl_text":"If you are using Astro at your company or organization, please share the URL here!\n\n - https://nordvpn.org\n - https://firebase.blog\n - https://tech.trivago.com\n - https://www.thinkmill.com.au\n - https://designcember.com ...","hl_title":"Companies & Websites Using Astro","id":"4946734","num_comments":658,"number":521,"repo":{"repository":{"id":430849133,"name":"roadmap","owner_id":44914786,"owner_login":"withastro","updated_at":"2024-06-14T17:36:50.446Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Companies & Websites Using Astro","url":"/withastro/roadmap/discussions/521","updated":"2024-06-15T14:14:25.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/622227?s=48&v=4","user_id":622227,"user_login":"FredKSchott"},{"body":"Welcome to the Oppia Community :wave: :sparkles:\n\nHi devs, welcome to Oppia!!\n\nThank you for joining us in our quest to make high-quality education a human right rather than a privilege.\n\nCheck out these quick tips to get started:\n\n:book: Please read the docs We strongly recommend reading our Getting Started page from top to bottom, and checking out\nkey links like the guide to making PRs. This will help you get answers to many common questions and enable you to make\neffective open source contributions, so please take the time to do this before posting a question!\n\n:bookmark: Bookmark GitHub Discussions We re using GitHub Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our\ncommunity. This is a one-stop shop for all your questions, announcements, and contacting other Oppia members!!\n\nWe hope that you:\n\n - Ask questions you’re wondering about.\n - Share ideas.\n - Engage with other community members.\n - Welcome others and are open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together :muscle:\n\nFeel free to explore the other channels and join in the discussion!\n\nHow do I contribute? There are many ways you can contribute to Oppia. We recommend you go to this post to see how to get\nstarted and contribute to Oppia!\n\nHow do I get help? If you re stuck on a problem, you can always ask the Oppia community for help in the GitHub\nDiscussions. You can read more about how to get help here\n\nIf you have any questions feel free to contact the @oppia/web-welfare-team for assistance.\n\n[!Note] In general, please use GitHub Discussions for communication and do not send personal emails or IMs to mentors\n(unless the issue you re writing about is sensitive in some way). We prefer to conduct introductions/discussions in\npublic channels so that everyone can benefit from the responses. Thanks for your understanding.\n","created":"2022-12-13T03:59:16.000Z","hl_text":"Welcome to the Oppia Community :wave: :sparkles:\n\nHi devs, welcome to Oppia!!\n\nThank you for joining us in our quest to make high-quality education a human right rather than a privilege.\n\nCheck out these ...","hl_title":"Welcome to Oppia!! 👋","id":"4656224","num_comments":955,"number":16715,"repo":{"repository":{"id":40687563,"name":"oppia","owner_id":11620230,"owner_login":"oppia","updated_at":"2024-06-16T16:14:36.148Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Welcome to Oppia!! 👋","url":"/oppia/oppia/discussions/16715","updated":"2024-06-15T11:51:16.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/30050862?s=48&v=4","user_id":30050862,"user_login":"gp201"},{"body":"Your homepage feed will now have a singular, consolidated feed that aggregates content from your starred repositories\nand followed users. As part of this update:\n\nThe content from the “Following” feed has been combined with the “For you” Feed, so you’ll have one singular location to\ndiscover content. For those looking to customize, we’ve enhanced the filtering controls, enabling you to tailor your\nfeed to display only the event types that matter most to you. Including:\n\n - Announcements (special discussion posts from repositories)\n - Releases (new releases from repositories)\n - Sponsors (relevant projects or people that are being sponsored)\n - Stars (repositories being starred by people)\n - Repositories (repositories that are created or forked by people)\n - Repository activity (issues and pull requests from repositories)\n - Follows (who people are following)\n - Recommendations (repositories and people you may like)\n\nWe’ve given the entire interface a fresh and visually appealing makeover ✨\n\nimage\n\nWhat this means for you\n\nIf you’re an existing “Following” feed user, your feed content should be familiar to what you’ve been seeing on your\n“Following” tab. And now, with our new filtering control, you can fine-tune your content preferences to further curate\nyour feed.\n\nIf you’re an existing “For you” feed user, we’ve also defaulted your filtering to showcase what you currently see on\nyour “For you” tab. The new filtering control allows you to further customize your feed by including or excluding\nspecific content types.\n\nNew users, we’ve got you covered with default settings that ensure you’re seeing the most relevant content. Dive in,\npersonalize, and make the feed your own!\n\nSept. 12th Update\n\nWith the latest feed update on September 6, 2023, we made changes to the underlying technology of the feed to improve\noverall platform performance. As a result, we removed the functionality for “push events for repositories a user is\nsubscribed to”. We don’t take these changes lightly, but as our community continues to grow tremendously, we have to\nprioritize our availability, user experience, and performance.\n\nThanks to feedback from the community, we have updated our changelog to clarify and have fixed the following bugs from\nthe initial September 6th release:\n\n - We were showing releases for organizations that you follow, instead of only showing them for repositories that you\n watch or star. This is now fixed.\n - We have also addressed a problem where Followed You cards were sometimes appearing out of chronological order.\n - We do not plan to re-include “push events for repositories a user is subscribed to” for the reasons listed above,\n but we will continue to address feedback as it aligns with our platform goals.\n\nWe understand that many of you are upset with the recent changes to your feed. We should have done a better job\ncommunicating recent changes and how those decisions relate to our broader platform goals. Your continued feedback is\ninvaluable as we evolve and continue to strive to provide a first-class developer experience that helps every developer\nbe happier and more productive.\n","created":"2023-08-29T13:14:48.000Z","hl_text":"Your homepage feed will now have a singular, consolidated feed that aggregates content from your starred repositories\nand followed users. As part of this update:\n\nThe content from the “Following” feed ...","hl_title":"Updates to your GitHub Feed","id":"5571453","num_comments":664,"number":65343,"repo":{"repository":{"id":301573344,"name":"community","owner_id":93784371,"owner_login":"community","updated_at":"2024-06-15T07:35:10.205Z","has_issues":false}},"title":"Updates to your GitHub Feed","url":"/community/community/discussions/65343","updated":"2024-06-14T21:30:36.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/49915749?s=48&v=4","user_id":49915749,"user_login":"tuves"},{"body":"Summary\n\nIts been 5 hours since i cant deploy anything. Got no leads. Anyone know how to fix this?\n\nExample\n\nNo response\n\nSteps to Reproduce\n\nimg width= 612 alt= image src= https://github.com/vercel/community/assets/133546210/41ad2a0f-dcd7-4b97-970e-817cddf617e0\n","created":"2024-03-05T12:59:13.000Z","hl_text":"Summary\n\nIts been 5 hours since i cant deploy anything. Got no leads. Anyone know how to fix this?\n\nExample\n\nNo response\n\nSteps to Reproduce\n\nimg width= 612 alt= image src= https://github.com/vercel/community/assets/133546210/41ad2a0f-dcd7-4b97-970e-817cddf617e0 ...","hl_title":"Your Team encountered an unknown problem. Please reach out to our support team for details.","id":"6325711","num_comments":587,"number":6027,"repo":{"repository":{"id":432126791,"name":"community","owner_id":14985020,"owner_login":"vercel","updated_at":"2023-08-29T14:13:21.175Z","has_issues":false}},"title":"Your Team encountered an unknown problem. Please reach out to our support team for details.","url":"/vercel/community/discussions/6027","updated":"2024-06-14T21:03:13.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/133546210?s=48&v=4","user_id":133546210,"user_login":"thezahrand"}],"type":"discussions","page":1,"page_count":7,"elapsed_millis":317,"errors":[],"result_count":68,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcomments%253A500..1000%26type%3DDiscussions","metadata":null},"title":"Discussion search results"}