{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"By participating in a Data For Good event, you agree to ….\n\n - Be respectful\n - Be helpful\n - Be creative\n - Be honest and transparent\n - Refrain from political discussions\n - Maintain confidentiality\n - Only retain data for up to 6 months only\n","created":"2024-06-14T11:12:51.000-04:00","hl_text":"By participating in a Data For Good event, you agree to ….\n\n - Be respectful\n - Be helpful\n - Be creative\n - Be honest and transparent\n - Refrain from political discussions\n - Maintain confidentiality ...","hl_title":"Code of conduct","id":"6820688","num_comments":0,"number":2,"repo":{"repository":{"id":814961206,"name":"OFB_2023","owner_id":139586598,"owner_login":"Data-For-Good-Ottawa","updated_at":"2024-06-25T02:17:41.441Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Code of conduct","url":"/Data-For-Good-Ottawa/OFB_2023/discussions/2","updated":"2024-06-15T01:26:31.000-04:00","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139584282?s=48&v=4","user_id":139584282,"user_login":"PBissonDFG"},{"body":"This is the place to ask questions, answer questions, share ideas, share knowledge, and show off the awesome things that\nyou make!\n\nFuyu is a welcoming community, so be sure to follow the Code of Conduct when contributing.\n","created":"2024-06-20T05:17:26.000Z","hl_text":"This is the place to ask questions, answer questions, share ideas, share knowledge, and show off the awesome things that\nyou make!\n\nFuyu is a welcoming community, so be sure to follow the Code of Conduct when contributing.\n","hl_title":"Welcome 👋","id":"6841239","num_comments":0,"number":1,"repo":{"repository":{"id":817608361,"name":"discussions","owner_id":97481501,"owner_login":"fuyulang","updated_at":"2024-06-20T05:13:07.090Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Welcome 👋","url":"/fuyulang/discussions/discussions/1","updated":"2024-06-20T05:18:17.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8989961?s=48&v=4","user_id":8989961,"user_login":"adamchristiansen"},{"body":"The code of conduct here is pretty simple and boils down to Wheaton s Law: Don t be a dick.\n","created":"2024-02-10T00:36:30.000Z","hl_text":"The code of conduct here is pretty simple and boils down to Wheaton s Law: Don t be a dick.\n","hl_title":"Code of conduct","id":"6201863","num_comments":0,"number":32,"repo":{"repository":{"id":238646474,"name":"fangfrisch","owner_id":30873939,"owner_login":"rseichter","updated_at":"2024-04-18T12:49:29.611Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Code of conduct","url":"/rseichter/fangfrisch/discussions/32","updated":"2024-04-07T22:53:28.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/30873939?s=48&v=4","user_id":30873939,"user_login":"rseichter"},{"body":"Code of Conduct\n\n - [X] I have read and agree to the project s Code of Conduct.\n\nProject Version\n\nlatest\n\nVMware vSphere\n\n7.0.3\n\nHashiCorp Packer\n\n1.10.3\n\nHashiCorp Packer Plugin for VMware vSphere\n\n1.2.7\n\nGuest Operating System\n\nDebian 12\n\nEnvironment Details\n\nNo response\n\nDescription\n\nThe installation starts, the preseed file is loaded, and then at the package selection screen the instalation fails\nbecause no network mirror is selected.\n\nimage\n\nPS: I get into TTY2 and I can reach the defined mirror just fine from the instalation environment.\n\nExpected Behavior\n\nIt should create a Debian 12 image.\n\nActual Behavior\n\nIt just fails to install it.\n\nSteps to Reproduce\n\nJust installing after defining variables. Replicates with DHCP or static IP...\n\nLog Fragments and Files\n\nNo response\n\nScreenshots\n\nNo response\n\nAdditional Context\n\nNo response\n","created":"2024-05-06T14:58:26.000Z","hl_text":"Code of Conduct\n\n - [X] I have read and agree to the project s Code of Conduct.\n\nProject Version\n\nlatest\n\nVMware vSphere\n\n7.0.3\n\nHashiCorp Packer\n\n1.10.3\n\nHashiCorp Packer Plugin for VMware vSphere ...","hl_title":"Debian 12 instalation halts with the message that no network mirror was selected, and then fails if manually advanced.","id":"6641242","num_comments":5,"number":920,"repo":{"repository":{"id":316136217,"name":"packer-examples-for-vsphere","owner_id":18409793,"owner_login":"vmware-samples","updated_at":"2024-06-20T18:54:41.309Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Debian 12 instalation halts with the message that no network mirror was selected, and then fails if manually advanced.","url":"/vmware-samples/packer-examples-for-vsphere/discussions/920","updated":"2024-06-18T02:33:11.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/769237?s=48&v=4","user_id":769237,"user_login":"celsomiranda"},{"body":"!-- ✏️ Optional: Customize the content below to let your community know what you intend to use Discussions for.\n\n👋 Welcome!\n\nWe’re using Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. We hope that you:\n\n - Respect the code of conduct.\n - Ask questions you’re wondering about.\n - Share ideas.\n - Engage with other community members.\n - Welcome others and are open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together 💪.\n\nTo get started, comment below with an introduction of yourself and tell us about what you do with this community.\n\n!-- For the maintainers, here are some tips 💡 for getting started with Discussions. We ll leave these in Markdown\ncomments for now, but feel free to take out the comments for all maintainers to see.\n\n📢 Announce to your community that Discussions is available! Go ahead and send that tweet, post, or link it from the\nwebsite to drive traffic here.\n\n🔗 If you use issue templates, link any relevant issue templates such as questions and community conversations to\nDiscussions. Declutter your issues by driving community content to where they belong in Discussions. If you need help,\nhere s a link to the documentation.\n\n➡️ You can convert issues to discussions either individually or bulk by labels. Looking at you, issues labeled “question” or “discussion”.\n","created":"2024-05-31T20:06:29.000Z","hl_text":"... community. We hope that you:\n\n - Respect the code of conduct.\n - Ask questions you’re wondering about.\n - Share ideas.\n - Engage with other community members.\n - Welcome others and are open-minded ...","hl_title":"📢 Welcome!","id":"6758081","num_comments":0,"number":9,"repo":{"repository":{"id":807801318,"name":"pingpablo-com-comments","owner_id":7073164,"owner_login":"dsapab","updated_at":"2024-05-31T20:35:15.573Z","has_issues":false}},"title":"📢 Welcome!","url":"/dsapab/pingpablo-com-comments/discussions/9","updated":"2024-05-31T20:06:37.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7073164?s=48&v=4","user_id":7073164,"user_login":"dsapab"},{"body":"The code of conduct here is pretty simple and boils down to Wheaton s Law: Don t be a dick.\n","created":"2022-04-09T08:58:12.000Z","hl_text":"The code of conduct here is pretty simple and boils down to Wheaton s Law: Don t be a dick.\n","hl_title":"Code of conduct","id":"3997665","num_comments":0,"number":1,"repo":{"repository":{"id":446298458,"name":"letsdns","owner_id":97427453,"owner_login":"LetsDNS","updated_at":"2024-02-10T04:57:52.385Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Code of conduct","url":"/LetsDNS/letsdns/discussions/1","updated":"2024-04-10T22:40:24.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/30873939?s=48&v=4","user_id":30873939,"user_login":"rseichter"},{"body":"Hello everyone,\n\nWelcome to the official Discussions tab of Contower! We are thrilled to have you here. This space is designed to foster\ncommunication, collaboration, and community among all our contributors, users, and enthusiasts.\n\nWhat You ll Find Here\n\nTo help you navigate and get the most out of this space, we ve set up several categories for our discussions:\n\n1. General\n\nUse this category for any general discussions about our organization, projects, or anything else that doesn t fit into\nthe other categories. It s a great place to introduce yourself and connect with others in our community.\n\n2. Q A\n\nGot a question? This is the place to ask! Whether you re seeking help with our projects, need clarification on\nsomething, or just have a random question, feel free to post it here. Our community and maintainers are here to help.\n\n3. Ideas\n\nHave a suggestion or a brilliant idea for a new feature, improvement, or project? Share it here! We value your input and\nlook forward to hearing your creative thoughts and innovative solutions.\n\n4. Polls\n\nWant to gather opinions or make a decision based on community feedback? Use this category to create polls and see what\nothers think.\n\n5. Show and Tell\n\nShowcase your work! If you ve built something cool using our projects or just want to share something related to our\nwork, this is the place to do it. We d love to see what you ve created.\n\n6. Announcements\n\nStay updated with the latest news, updates, and announcements from our team. This category will include release notes,\nimportant updates, and other official communications.\n\nFollow the Guidelines\n\nMake sure to read our Code of Conduct and follow it to keep this space welcoming and inclusive for everyone.\n\nThank you for being a part of Contower. We can t wait to see what we can build together!\n\nBest regards,\n\nNodura ❤️\n","created":"2024-05-30T15:44:54.000+02:00","hl_text":"... the Guidelines\n\nMake sure to read our Code of Conduct and follow it to keep this space welcoming and inclusive for everyone.\n\nThank you for being a part of Contower. We can t wait to see what we can build together!\n\nBest regards,\n\nNodura ❤️\n","hl_title":"Welcome to Contower Discussions!","id":"6751821","num_comments":0,"number":67,"repo":{"repository":{"id":604046504,"name":"contower","owner_id":152742759,"owner_login":"nodura","updated_at":"2024-06-15T21:04:41.716Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Welcome to Contower Discussions!","url":"/nodura/contower/discussions/67","updated":"2024-05-30T15:52:41.000+02:00","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/70369500?s=48&v=4","user_id":70369500,"user_login":"SanderLoman"},{"body":"The Carbon community works to be welcoming and kind among itself and to others, with a deep commitment to psychological\nsafety, and we want to ensure that doesn’t change as we grow and evolve. To that end, we have a few ground rules that we\nask all community members to adhere to:\n\n - be welcoming,\n - be friendly and patient,\n - be considerate,\n - be kind,\n - be careful in the words that we choose,\n - when we disagree, try to understand why, and\n - recognize when progress has stopped, and take a step back.\n\nThe following summary is intended to help the community understand what kinds of Code of Conduct incidents were brought\nto our attention lately, and how we dealt with them.\n\nPublishing such transparency reports on a regular basis is helping us track progress and hold ourselves accountable to\nhigh standards of community culture.\n\nSummary\n\nWhile we started the year 2024 focussing more on our toolchain, moderation work has been light. It looks like our\ncommunication culture standards are well understood among our community so far, and discussions are remaining peaceful\nand constructive for the most part. We are really proud of our focussed and diligent online community! We are now\napproaching 5,000 people signed up on our Discord server and nearly 150 contributors on GitHub.\n\nWith another contributor joining our moderation team there are now 12 people in our moderation and conduct team,\nincluding our community lead who serves as their guide, trainer and coach. Our moderation and conduct team is\ncontributing from 3 different continents.\n\nOur AutoMod bots are automatically catching the use of some harmful language and spam, which helps us focus on the\neducational and conversational part of our moderation role. Last quarter, we added some keywords to the list of\nautomatically detected spam.\n\nAutoMod bot work has ramped up quite a bit in the first quarter of 2024, with 44 messages automatically flagged, and 5\nother conduct related incidents were documented in that same period.\n\nPlease note that some incidents may have escaped our attention. You can help us keep our spaces welcoming and fostering\na spirit of collaboration, and report any situation that may require our intervention:\nhttps://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang/blob/trunk/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md\n\nOur interventions from 2024-01-01 through 2024-03-31\n\nIn Q1 2024, the moderation book club finished reading an essay on how moral stances and political views are developed,\nand how differences in morality and ideology profiles may explain persisting conflicts and debates. We currently have\nnot decided what book we’d like to read together next. The club will be on hiatus under further notice.\n\nThese are the conduct incidents that were brought to our attention in the last quarter:\n\n - _“**Be careful in the words that we choose and be kind to others.** Do not \n\nuse insults or put downs. Harassment and other exclusionary behaviors aren’t acceptable.” Carbon community Code of\nConduct, version from 2024-04-23_\n\n1 user was banned after harassing a team member via private channels.\n\n - _“**Be kind.** Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is \n\nno excuse for poor behavior and hurtful words. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot\nallow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel\nthreatened is not a productive one. Members of our community should be kind when dealing with other members as well as\nwith people outside the Carbon community.” Carbon community Code of Conduct, version from 2024-04-23_\n\n3 users were warned after posting disruptive and insulting comments. \n\n - Other interventions\n \n With spam ramping up on our Discord server a bit, we started reporting spammer accounts to Discord as well.\n\nClosing observations\n\nThe intensity and type of our manual moderation work has been similar in Q1 2024 than in Q4 2023, while AutoMod bot\nactivity was more about blocking spam than before. Our conduct team is also thinking about possible adjustments to our\nmember rotation model in the future. We’ll keep watching and providing support when needed, and are hoping for more\ncontributions while keeping the atmosphere friendly and kind.\n\nThank you very much for your contributions, good spirits and see you around!\n\nThe Carbon Code of Conduct team, 2024-04-23\n","created":"2024-04-23T18:06:30.000Z","hl_text":"... Code of Conduct incidents were brought\nto our attention lately, and how we dealt with them.\n\nPublishing such transparency reports on a regular basis is helping us track progress and hold ourselves ...","hl_title":"Carbon Language community transparency report through 2024-03-31","id":"6550254","num_comments":0,"number":3907,"repo":{"repository":{"id":259463685,"name":"carbon-lang","owner_id":63681715,"owner_login":"carbon-language","updated_at":"2024-06-25T22:05:24.763Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Carbon Language community transparency report through 2024-03-31","url":"/carbon-language/carbon-lang/discussions/3907","updated":"2024-04-29T13:45:58.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6543263?s=48&v=4","user_id":6543263,"user_login":"CelineausBerlin"},{"body":"Body\n\nguys pls help me to fix this fk error,i am fade up from it\n\nParsing error: ESLint was configured to run on ` tsconfigRootDir /eslint.config.js` using `parserOptions.project`: tsconfigRootDir /tsconfig.json\nHowever, that TSConfig does not include this file. Either:\n- Change ESLint s list of included files to not include this file\n- Change that TSConfig to include this file\n- Create a new TSConfig that includes this file and include it in your parserOptions.project\nSee the typescript-eslint docs for more info: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/troubleshooting#i-get-errors-telling-me-eslint-was-configured-to-run--however-that-tsconfig-does-not--none-of-those-tsconfigs-include-this-fileeslint\n\ni getting this even i am ignoring the file\n\nimport base from @repo/eslint-config/base.js ;\n\nexport default [\n ...base,\n {\n files: [ src/**/*.{js,ts} ],\n ignores: [ eslint.config.js , test ]\n }\n]\n\ni am using typescript eslint\n\nAdditional Info\n\nAny additional info...\n\nBefore you submit your discussion, please confirm the following. If any of these required steps are not taken, we may not be able to review your RFC. Help us to help you!\n\n - [X] I have read the discussions guidelines and per those guidelines, this fits a discussion category, not a help\n request or standard issue.\n - [X] I have searched for related discussions and searched for related issues and found none that match my proposal.\n - [X] I have read the FAQ and my problem is not listed.\n","created":"2024-06-02T08:21:24.000Z","hl_text":null,"hl_title":"Typescript eslint help","id":"6763502","num_comments":2,"number":9208,"repo":{"repository":{"id":165536154,"name":"typescript-eslint","owner_id":46634674,"owner_login":"typescript-eslint","updated_at":"2024-06-25T19:45:36.818Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Typescript eslint help","url":"/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/discussions/9208","updated":"2024-06-02T12:15:37.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/102732282?s=48&v=4","user_id":102732282,"user_login":"NaviTheCoderboi"},{"body":"Select Topic Area\n\nGeneral\n\nBody\n\nHi, we re aware that we should be raising a ticket for account related issues, but we re left with no other option other\nthan coming here to gain your attention as it has been 50+ hours with no resolution.\n\nThis has happened to my colleague s other account previously and we wonder what made GitHub to reinstate that account\nwithin 12 hours back then.\n\nWe have read code of conduct and yes, he cannot create another account under same email. We did go through guidelines\nand yes, his account has been flagged Spammy for (violations!?) reasons that are unknown. He did raise reinstatement\nrequest (ticket number: 2805493, 2808389) which does not seem to help us in any way.\n\nThis is hampering not only his work but also everyone around him as his account is hidden from public and no one in the\nOrganization is able to review the pull requests that he have raised so far causing in delays that are unintentional.\n\nAny help could be helpful, thanks!\n\nReference URL - https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/125292\n\nCC: @pixincreate\n","created":"2024-05-23T10:18:29.000Z","hl_text":"... code of conduct and yes, he cannot create another account under same email. We did go through guidelines\nand yes, his account has been flagged Spammy for (violations!?) reasons that are unknown. He ...","hl_title":"[Account Flagged] My Colleague's GitHub account has been flagged as `Spammy` resulting in work being stalled","id":"6716907","num_comments":4,"number":125328,"repo":{"repository":{"id":301573344,"name":"community","owner_id":93784371,"owner_login":"community","updated_at":"2024-06-15T07:35:10.205Z","has_issues":false}},"title":"[Account Flagged] My Colleague's GitHub account has been flagged as `Spammy` resulting in work being stalled","url":"/community/community/discussions/125328","updated":"2024-05-24T16:42:10.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/131246334?s=48&v=4","user_id":131246334,"user_login":"likhinbopanna"}],"type":"discussions","page":1,"page_count":59,"elapsed_millis":143,"errors":[],"result_count":588,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3D%2522code%2Bof%2Bconduct%2522%2Bis%253Alocked%2Bis%253Adiscussion%26type%3Ddiscussions","metadata":null},"title":"Discussion search results"}