Searching journal content for articles similar to Markello et al. 32 (5): 893.

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  1. ...retrotransposition activity (Goodier 2016). Future studies of retrotransposition in large pedigree-based cohorts may help to elucidate variants and genetic factors involved in the regulation of L1-mediated retrotransposition activity.MethodsCEPH individualsBlood-derived DNA samples from 599 individuals, including...
  2. ..., while also not requiring parental data.The approach described here leverages the assembly graph to phase and extend partial haplotypes. In this scheme, variants are not inferred from the read alignments. Instead, graph topology or sequence homology is used to identify large-scale haplotypic bubbles...
  3. de novo. The de novo probability of interest can be written as the Pr(father is a noncarrier, mother is a noncarrier | child is a mutation carrier, family history). We calculate this probability as a function, g(c, f, m), of pedigree-based carrier probabilities for the child (c), father (f...
  4. ...owing to genetic linkage between causal variants and neighboring variants, requiring further study to identify the causal variants. QTLs can be mapped even if the parental sequences are not completely known, if genetic variants linked to the causal variant are genotyped. Complete sequences are desired...
  5. ...and to address the issues outlined here. However, because rare and somatic variants cannot be captured by graph references, the same challenges must still be addressed.Although this paper focuses on variants not anchored in complex repeats, some of the most impactful biology is emerging from complex loci...
  6. ...for normal sequencing and the remaining channels for selective sequencing. (C) The bioinformatic workflow for HQ-MAGs retrieval based on data sets derived from nanopore selective sequencing and Illumina sequencing.Here we show our results in applying the metaRUpore protocol to facilitate the recovery of rare...
  7. ...the open-source software graph-gene-caller (ggCaller). ggCaller combines gene prediction, functional annotation, and clustering into a single workflow using population-wide de Bruijn graphs, removing redundancy in gene annotation and resulting in more accurate gene predictions and orthologue clustering. We...
  8. ...), enabling “complete metagenomics” studies that were nearly impossible to conduct with short reads. In particular, HiFi reads simplify the identification and phasing of mutations in MAGs: It is increasingly feasible to distinguish between positions that are prone to mutations and positions that rarely ever...
  9. ...many of these human disease associations have been attributed to specific MHC-I and MHC-II alleles, linkage disequilibrium in this gene-dense region makes the identification of specific causative variants for disease phenotypes extremely challenging. Non–immune system loci that make up the majority...
  10. ...Center, we identified a rhesus macaque with a rare homozygous frameshift mutation in the gene methyl-CpG binding domain 4, DNA glycosylase (MBD4). MBD4 is responsible for the repair of C > T deamination mutations at CpG dinucleotides and has been linked to somatic hypermutation and cancer predisposition...
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