Secret Santa Applications


  1. Read the rules (here) before proceding.
  2. Please apply ONLY if you have time to get through the event till the end. In case you want to drop out please let us know beforehand, so we can find a substitute!
  3. Applications will close on November 8th.
  4. One-two weeks after applications close, we’ll message you the name of the person you’re assigned to. 
  5. Once you have the name you can start sending anonymous asks to your giftee, the aim is to get to know them better to make a gift they’d like to receive, hopefully you’ll be able to make new friends too!
    (it is really important that the giftee should not know who their secret santa is until the moment that you reveal yourself).
  6. Open your ask box to anonymous senders, so you can get messages from your secret santa too.
  7. On December 24-26th you can post your gift and reveal yourself, wait for your own gift too!
    Be sure to mention your giftee url and have #fyeahbnhasecretsanta in your first 5 tags so we can reblog the posts.

Please take some time to fill this form so we can pair you with someone with your similar taste:

  • URL:
  • name: 
  • pronouns:
  • characters/pairings/prompts you’d like in your gift :
  • characters/pairings/prompts you don’t want in your gift:
  • kind of content you’ll be making (graphics, gifs, fanfics, art, amvs, …): 
  • kind of content you’d like to receive:
  • link to your original works: 
  • if you can pitch in in case someone retires from the event and how many extra people you can take: 

Thank you so much for participating in our Santa Secret Event! Hope you’ll have fun and for any questions don’t hesitate to send us a question. Have a good day everyone!