We have exciting announcements that will help you deliver whole person care at scale.

Patients on Fullscript
Better supplements shipped right to your door.

Access your provider’s advice, healthcare’s best supplements and wellness products, plus tools for healthy habits — from anywhere.
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a demo image displaying a treatment plan message being sent to a patient
an image of a female support agent engaging in a conversation, highlighting the benefits and advantages of using Fullscript
5 million patients and counting using Fullscript

Your unfair advantage is a provider by your side

Fullscript fuels your wellness by connecting the two people who know your health best — you and your provider. Accounts are $0/month.
user sign-in page on a mobile

How it works


Set up your account

Your provider will send you an email with instructions to get started.


Follow provider advice

View your treatment plans, gain wellness knowledge, and order healthcare's best supplements.


Create healthier practices

Get ongoing support from your provider and our platform to stay on track with your wellness goals.

Better supplements shipped right to your door

Get access to high-quality supplements at fair prices, backed by features that help you stay on track with your wellness goals.


Make healthy habits stick

Prescriptions made easy

Get supplements seamlessly with features that personalize the ordering process.

Wellness education

Boost your wellness knowledge with trustworthy content curated by our Integrative Medical Advisory Team, sent to you bi-weekly.

Refill reminders

Never run out of supplements with reminders emailed straight to your inbox.

Has your provider invited you to Fullscript?

Look for an email or text from them with instructions to get started.

If not, ask them about it!

It’s $0/month for patients and practitioners.

Having trouble getting started?

Our world-class Customer Success Team is always willing to help.

Or call us at 1 866 807 3828

illustration of a green plant in a pot