Post de Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ)

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ANNONCE: la #CIJ annonce la parution d’Actes et documents relatifs à l’organisation de la Cour (N° 8) qui, entre autres documents de base, contient le Règlement de la Cour actuellement en vigueur

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Panos Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Koronakis- Rohlf


4 sem.

♥️ PROTECTING THE FUTURE OF PEACE : Words , Thoughts and Paintings Dedicated to PEACE worldwide : for 365 days a year ♥️ ☀️ “ How will PEACE come to the world ? when man, today, with steps slower than those of a turtle, tries to find solutions, to the dangerous and destructive climate change, with the extremely toxic garbage that man himself pollutes the environment he lives in and now dangerously threaten his life in the present and in the future? “ ☀️ Text : Dr. Panos Koronakis - Rohlf ☀️ Photo: NORWAY , On a recent visit, on a majestic peak, a proud and ancient glacier, with its brilliant blue reflections, with a special, unprecedented and exotic beauty, in a landscape, wild and imposing that captivates you, untouched by the human hand, which unfortunately is very dangerously endangered by climate change nowadays & The new artistic creation of Akis Koronakis-Rohlf ( anti-nuclear movement symbol & international sign for PEACE ) , which is dedicated to PEACE worldwide - in the very turbulent days of war that we all live, with currently 184 wars ,,according to the latest report of the International Institute for Strategic Studies ( IISS ) ☀️ #akisk_art

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