À propos

BNP Paribas est une banque de premier plan en Europe avec un rayonnement international. Elle est présente dans 65 pays, avec plus de 190 000 collaborateurs, dont plus de 145 000 en Europe. BNP Paribas détient des positions clés dans ses trois grands pôles opérationnels : ⚉ Commercial, Personal Banking & Services pour l’ensemble des réseaux des banques de détail du Groupe et plusieurs métiers spécialisés parmi lesquels BNP Paribas Personal Finance ou encore Arval ; ⚉ Investment & Protection Services pour les solutions d’épargne, d’investissement, de protection et les services immobiliers ; ⚉ Corporate & Institutional Banking centré sur les solutions pour les clientèles Entreprises et Institutionnels. Le Groupe accompagne l’ensemble de ses clients (particuliers, associations, entrepreneurs, PME, grandes entreprises et institutionnels) pour les aider à réaliser leurs projets en leur proposant des services de financement, d’investissement, d’épargne et de protection. En Europe, le Groupe a quatre marchés domestiques (la Belgique, la France, l'Italie et le Luxembourg) et BNP Paribas Personal Finance est le 1er acteur spécialisé du financement aux particuliers en Europe. BNP Paribas développe également son modèle intégré de banque de détail dans les pays du bassin méditerranéen, en Turquie, en Europe de l’Est et a un réseau important dans l'Ouest des Etats-Unis. Dans ses activités Corporate & Institutional Banking et Investment & Protection Services, BNP Paribas bénéficie d'un leadership en Europe, d'une forte présence dans les Amériques, ainsi que d'un dispositif solide et en forte croissance en Asie-Pacifique. Pour en savoir plus sur notre Politique de Protection des Données : https://group.bnpparibas/protection-donnees

Site web
Services bancaires
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Leader in banking , insurance and financial services


Employés chez BNP Paribas


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    Because we are not only bankers, but more than 180,000 people around the world who are helping the economy and society to change! 🌍 We are delighted to share with you our new corporate film, which presents the Group, its #vision, its expertise and its solutions through the lens of the challenges we face in a rapidly changing world. Discover how our teams, through their daily actions and commitment, contribute to serving our customers and having a concrete and positive #impact on society as a whole. Whether you are a customer, partner, prospect or even just interested in BNP Paribas, this film is designed to offer you a global vision of the Group and to share with you our view of a world that is changing and a future that is being built, with you, today. Discover how BNP Paribas is developing and innovating to continue to be “the bank for a changing world”. Enjoy !

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    📊 Um excelente exemplo de parceria saudável, construída por anos! Temos o prazer de contar que concretizamos mais uma operação de sucesso. Reafirmando nossa sólida parceria de três anos, fomos coordenadores na emissão de debêntures da Hypera, uma das maiores empresas farmacêuticas do Brasil. A oferta do deal foi no valor de de R$ 1,5 milhão, com prazo de 5 anos. 🤝 Esta é a maior operação da empresa em termos de volume, destacando o interesse dos investidores no setor farmacêutico, bem como a confiança no nosso trabalho. A transação foi precificada abaixo da última emissão, o que significa que conseguimos uma significativa redução de custos financeiros para a nossa parceira. Este já é o terceiro projeto que fazemos em parceria com a companhia, o que reforça sua confiança no nosso trabalho. Ficamos muito felizes em contribuir para o crescimento da farmacêutica e estreitar ainda mais nossa parceria.Agradecemos às equipes que tornaram este projeto bem-sucedido. #BNPParibas #OperaçãoFinanceira

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    ✨ Does #GenAi help recruiting teams ? Karim HECHMI ( Tonton Karim ) is one of those people who are interested about key issues in HR strategy. Sofia Merlo recently answered his questions about the highly contemporary subject of AI and Generative AI. BNP Paribas has been operating AI since 2016 within a highly regulated framework. The emergence of generative AI is reshaping the landscape of AI use. From an HR perspective, generative AI aims to empower our employees in their roles. In the short term, AI is set to become a super assistant, improving efficiency and effectiveness across the board. At BNP Paribas, we're applying our expertise in this area in a methodical and pragmatic way. In a constantly accelerating context, we are convinced that we must be ‘AI compatible’, as much as we must also be ‘AI human inclusive’. We hope you will enjoy this conversation right here 👇 #GenAIatBNPParibas

  • BNP Paribas a republié ceci

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    🏳 🌈 O mês de junho é um importante marco para o movimento LGBTQIAPN+. Esse período nos convida a refletir, por um lado, sobre os avanços que já conquistamos na luta por equidade de direitos e, por outro, sobre o longo caminho que ainda temos pela frente na construção de um mundo com menos preconceito. Para entender o futuro, precisamos conhecer a nossa história: o Mês do Orgulho tem sua origem em 1969, quando aconteceu a revolta de Stonewall, em Nova York. Desde então, passeatas ocorrem mundialmente em prol de temas como a descriminalização e despatologização de sexualidades diferentes da heteronormatividade, o direito ao casamento, uso do nome social e a criminalização da homofobia e transfobia. 🤝Promover a diversidade está entre os valores do BNP Paribas. Reconhecemos a importância do nosso papel como o banco para um mundo em mudança nesse contexto, garantindo equidade de oportunidades de desenvolvimento para todas as pessoas e estimulando outras empresas a se juntarem a nós. Ao longo deste mês, convidamos vocês a acompanharem a série de conteúdos especiais que preparamos para celebrar este mês com orgulho e sem filtro. #OrgulhoSemFiltro #LGBTQIAPN+ #BNPParibas #Pride

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    🔋 BNP Paribas supports 50Hertz Transmission GmbH that dedicates approximately 21 billion euros by 2028 to achieve 100% integration of renewable energies into its grid. This marks a fourfold increase from the past five years, highlighting our joint commitment to transforming the energy landscape. Supporting initiatives like these helps us drive progress toward a cleaner, more resilient energy future. 💡Learn more: https://lnkd.in/e8FBydUY #BNPPforInnovation #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergy #CleanEnergy

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    Incredible event yesterday as we hosted our annual BNP Paribas - Securities Services Delivering the World conference at the New York Stock Exchange. We welcomed clients from around the world for a unique evening in downtown New York. Following the closing bell, we were joined by Jon Herrick, Chief Product Officer at NYSE to share technology opportunities and learn more about how the largest exchange in the world has developed and grown over the past ten years.   Malu Gregorio Paiva, Head of Brazil and Latam Client Development, Securities Services, and Haroun Boucheta, PhD, Global Head of Public Affairs, Securities Services, discussed the latest Post Trade trends in the European and Latin American markets. Specifically, they covered the move towards consolidation and simplification, both in Europe with a capital markets union ambition and in Hispanic Latam with the creation of the Nuam stock exchange; in Brazil there is a movement to ensure regulation is more closely aligned to global standards. On the topic of T+1, following a smooth transition in the Americas last week, both Europe and Brazil will analyse further the opportunity in the context their own market structures, and try to ensure a coordinated approach (for example between the UK, EU and Switzerland).   We were then joined by Jeffrey Siegel, Head of US Regulatory Affairs, and Yelena Shulyatyeva, CFA, Senior US Economist, who walked us through the economic and market outlook and how the 2024 elections could shift a number of things, from rate cuts to repercussions from tariffs. For the moment, they agreed that inflation remains sticky, despite the rate of disinflation over the past year. Given the stabilization of the cost of goods, the lack of movement in housing prices, and the speed of wage increases slowing, it will be difficult to sustain the rate of deceleration seen in the second half of last year. There is still consensus that there will be a rate cut in 2024, but the Fed will need to see what happens in November before there can be similar consensus on what happens next.   We concluded the evening with cocktails on the floor of the stock exchange, sharing our thoughts from the day’s sessions with one another. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us, to our fascinating speakers, and to the teams who worked so hard to make this event such a success. Dennis Bon, Patrick Colle, Philippe Benoit, José Placido, Joe Malley, Martin Loesser Baker, Marie-France Dessertenne, John Ferrara, Chris Richmond, Kathleen Struye de Swielande, Eileen Murphy, Grace Tarelho, David Rodrigues, John Graham, Florent THIRY, Emmanuelle Riess, John Johmann, Guy Patton, Isabella Borges, Jamel Ben Aicha, Mackenzie Thompson, Nicolás Joya, Ilve Bayturk, Eleni Koskorelos.

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    🚀 Just in case you missed it ! Once again, we were partner of Viva Technology, Europe's biggest #tech event bringing together key players in the tech ecosystem and startups. This year, we showcased our experts and various entities to discuss strategic topics such as #Cybersecurity, #AI, #Mobility, and #Payments. 🔒 Cybersecurity & AI: Experts and partners demonstrated how BNP Paribas supports and protects its clients against risks, integrating AI into our operations to enhance security and efficiency. 🚗 Mobility: We highlighted how the Group is driving the future of mobility, supporting innovative solutions for tomorrow's transportation needs. 💳 Payments: We showcased our ability to develop #innovative and secure payment solutions that meet our clients' needs. In summary, BNP Paribas at #Vivatech 2024 featured over 30 spokespersons, experts and numerous partners illustrating how the Group fosters innovation #BNPPForTech

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    /🌟 BNP Paribas est fière de renouveler son initiative pour la nouvelle édition du French Women Entrepreneurs 40 (#FWE40) ! 🌟 Créé en 2022 par BNP Paribas et le @Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society (une société du groupe Publicis) sous le haut patronage du Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances, le FWE40 met en lumière 40 entreprises françaises en développement dirigées par des femmes. Cette année, 20 startups/TPE (chiffre d’affaires inférieur à 10 millions d’euros), 15 PME (chiffre d’affaires entre 10 et 50 millions d’euros) et 5 ETI (chiffre d’affaires entre 50 et 150 millions d’euros) seront sélectionnées pour rejoindre le « Club FWE40 » et bénéficier pendant un an d’un accompagnement personnalisé. Chez BNP Paribas, nous offrirons à ces entreprises exceptionnelles : ✅ Un accompagnement de monitoring sur la thématique du financement par les ambassadeurs ou ambassadrices du programme #ConnectHers dont elles pourront bénéficier pendant 1 an à dater de l’annonce officielle du Palmarès FWE40 ✅ Une visibilité sur le Owned Média de BNP Paribas, notamment sur la page LinkedIn #ConnectHers, pendant 1 an à compter de l’annonce du Palmarès FW40. 📢 Ne tardez plus ! Découvrez toutes les informations et soumettez votre candidature dès maintenant sur https://lnkd.in/e-rZNd_M Avec nos partenaires : Bpifrance SISTA HEC Paris Beaboss #FWE40 #FemmesEntrepreneures #DéveloppementDurable #Innovation #BNPParibas

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    Et les lauréats de la saison 3 de #MyComForImpact sont ... 🥁 Avec Publicis France, nous sommes ravis de présenter les lauréats de cette 3ème édition : Api , Café Joyeux, Envie Autonomie, Genesis et Yacon & co 🎉 Avec plus de 1110 candidatures en 3 éditions, "My Com For Impact" est devenu un véritable tremplin pour les entrepreneurs à impact. Cette année, ce sont pas moins de 350 entreprises à impact qui ont candidatées. Chaque lauréat bénéficiera d'un accompagnement valorisé à 200 000 euros en expertise bancaire par les équipes BNP Paribas et en communication et marketing, avec le soutien de Publicis France. 👏 Félicitations aux lauréats, nous sommes impatients de suivre votre parcours et dans votre impact positif sur la société ⤵️ https://lnkd.in/eQTu9xRG Elise HermantRaphaele Leroy Agathe Bousquet Moussa Camara Act For Impact by BNP Paribas

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    On May 15th, we welcomed over 700 guests to our Global Markets Americas conference in New York to hear from experts in finance, media, technology, and politics on the most pressing issues facing our clients and our industry. We’re pleased to share a deeper dive into the Paradigm Shifts https://lnkd.in/erpDaGHj we discussed and some additional highlights from the day. We are grateful to everyone who was able to join us, to all of our speakers, and to the incredible efforts of the Marketing and Communications team whose hard work made this day such a success, and we look forward to seeing you next year. Cliff Asness, Jim Bullard, Tom Ceusters, Charles Evans, Esther George, Gregory PetersAshish Shah, Brian Sullivan, Amy Walter Susanna Castillo, John Gallo, Mark Howard, CFA, Heather Orrico, Olivier Osty, José Placido, Meghan Robson,  Luigi Speranza, Calvin Tse Ilve Bayturk, Jamel Ben Aicha, Mylene Benmoussa, Isabella Borges, Keila Botsolas, Mandy De Castro, Ceana Cotignola, Yelena Dasher, Shannon Day, Diarra Grady Douglas, Stephanie Dunham, John JohmannNicolás Joya, Assaf Kedem, Holly Leno, Julia Lipscomb, MPS, Guy Patton, Kerly Pena, Monika Petrov, Alicia Root, Claire Schiff, Chris Simakowicz, Carly Silverman, Michelle Sprod, Guy Taylor, Mackenzie Thompson, Rita Vale

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