Using Google Earth imagery for Film or TV?
You may use Google Earth imagery in film or TV provided you register your usage using this form and follow our permission guidelines: 

If you're interested in using Google Maps or Street View for film or TV, please refer to our guidelines at: 

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Email *
Name or company *
This should be the person(s) or company producing content with Google Earth/Earth Studio.
Country of the person or company *
This should be the country of the person(s) or company using Google Earth/Earth Studio content. Please note that the content license is not available to persons or entities in or broadcasting to these territories:
Project description *
How do you plan on using Google Earth imagery? What is the name of the show or film, and in what context? If a film or scripted program, please explain the scene(s) and link to a mock or sample, if possible.
Type of content & platform *
Please mark the primary medium of distribution. Use "Other" only if none of these categories fits your use case.
Distribution *
Who will be distributing the content and in which regions? (Not required for news broadcast)
In submitting this form, you agree that all information provided is accurate and to the best of your knowledge. You're also an authorized representative that can speak on behalf of your company.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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