
omg grow the fuck up. not everyone in the us military literally goes around shooting up brown people in the name of american imperialism and white supremacy for their own personal gain 🙄 some of them (like for example engineers?) only build and maintain the infrastructure necessary for the shooting up of brown people in the name of american imperialism and white supremacy for their own personal gain


trans boys of color I love you all so much. You’re not a freak or an aggressive monster or a mistake. I’m so sorry you have to deal with so much bullshit from people in your communities but you’re perfect and whole and you’re gonna be just fine.


whoever decided to start implementing ads on here that automatically unmute and cut off any music app you might have on in the background as you scroll by should be hunted for sport



29/4/2023 + 8/5/2023


mutuals take my hand… let’s unlearn shame and regain the joy of creating art and music again this summer

batman in his costume from the animated show justice league unlimited sitting on a swing set and holding his hand out to ace, who is off cameraALT


I HAVE. A QUERY. for artists who have been posting stuff online for several years now....

have you seen your own art reposted to pinterest

