Play Your Part: Educating and Empowering Young Adults to Stay Safe Online
Zoom WebinarWe all want to do the right thing online, but it’s not always clear how. This webinar will increase understanding of how we can help our 18+ users to stay safe online and, at the same time, prevent harm to ensure the internet is a safe place for everyone.
EA’s Inclusive Design Framework: Greater diversity and authentic representation in videogames
Zoom WebinarThe Inclusive Design Framework is a practice that many development teams across Electronic Arts use. It is intended to help guide developers to create inclusive player experiences that enable greater cultural and diverse representation in our games. We will discuss how teams work with ERG’s and share examples from games such as FIFA and The Sims, in order to inspire you to join the movement.
Fair Play Summit @ GDC 2021
GDC 2021Online Grooming: Examining risky encounters amid everyday digital socialization
Zoom WebinarSpeakers: Amanda Goharian, Senior Research Manager and Brooke Istook, VP Youth & Communities from Thorn This webinar will present research Thorn conducted in 2021 that explored kids’ online connections, including who they are connecting with, why they connect, and how risks of online grooming surface amid their everyday digital interactions. [...]
Inclusivity and Authenticity in the Metaverse
Zoom WebinarSpeakers: Dr. Kishonna Gray and Mike Pappas There are a huge variety of player communities in the world, each with their own preferences, culture, and norms. Platforms looking to provide safety for these players face a difficult challenge - how can they consistently identify and mitigate harm while also permitting [...]
Safe and responsible gaming: Three dimensions of ambition and change
Zoom WebinarSpeaker: Niina Ojala, Lead Product Manager in Player Safety and Compliance from Rovio Entertainment The importance of safe and responsible gaming is evermore important to prevent harm to players and enforce inspiring gaming spaces for the well-being of the players. It is widely known that online harassment and bullying is [...]
Anzu – The Broad Impact of the Games Industry
Zoom WebinarSpeaker: Natalia Vasilyeva, Marketing & Strategy from Anzu In this webinar, Anzu will explore how many games today are reaching broad, global communities and the implications that has for how we think about our target audiences, social issues, and the varying roles of developers, publishers, and advertisers. They will ask: [...]
Uncovering the Real Impact of Cheating
Zoom WebinarSpeaker: Andrew Hogan from Intorqa Up to 65% of players say they’ve experienced cheating while playing a game. But what really happens the moment a player encounters a cheat? How does it make them feel? Do they always notice? Will they stop playing? Do they all react the same way? [...]
Tackling Supremacist Narratives in Game Design
Zoom WebinarSpeaker: Farley Cherry from Rigs of Color at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Join us for this fascinating deep dive into how supremacist narratives have thrived in the media landscape, and gain some insight into ways we can potentially tackle them. Games are media, and media does not live in a vacuum; [...]
Understanding the Online Safety Act
Zoom WebinarSpeaker: Ofcom Join us for a webinar with Ofcom, the new UK regulator of online services. As you’ll all be aware the Online Safety Act came into force late in 2023, and we want to help our members understand Ofcom’s proposals for how businesses can comply with their duties under [...]