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Estimated Value vs Final Contract Value in Works Public Procurement – What Causes the Discrepancy?

Marko Turudić, Melko Dragojević


Keywords: estimated value of procurement, works public procurement, inflation

Estimated value of procurement is an important initial step in a public procurement procedure, a step which ensures that the contracting authority will be able to allocate the funds necessary to conclude the public procurement contract. Recently, it has become more and more difficult to correctly estimate the value of works procurement. The COVID-19 pandemic, Russian aggression in the Ukraine and the subsequent inflation have substantially raised the prices of construction materials and labour. This has cumulatively and significantly increased the prices of construction and the value of construction public procurement procedures. In this paper, we aim to establish how significant this increase has actually been, and what the main causes and contributing factors were.
Keywords: estimated value of procurement, works public procurement, inflation

Marko Turudić, Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb Faculty of Law. For correspondence: ‹[email protected]›. Melko Dragojević, Research Assistant, Department of Economics and Business, University of Dubrovnik. For correspondence: ‹[email protected]›.


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