Tumblr Engineering — Tumblr Hack Day, June 2021 Edition

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Tumblr Hack Day, June 2021 Edition

It was Hack Day again at Tumblr! A couple of times per year we grind everything to a halt and spend 24 hours working on whatever we want and see how far we can get with our hacks. Here are some of the projects that got made for Hack Day! Some of these things you may end up seeing on the site…

Timestamps on Posts

@superchlorine hacked the website to show timestamps on every post, reblog trail item, and note in the notes view. This is also already a popular XKit extension, and it’s easy to see why!


Mutual Love

Evgeniy hacked the Tumblr Android app to play a cute sound and animation whenever you follow someone who already follows you! Being mutuals on Tumblr is something special, and this celebrates it in such a cute way.


(This example uses this lovely kiss animation.)

Grid and Masonry View for the Dashboard

@cyle hacked the dashboard on web to view it in a grid format (like the Likes page on web) or a masonry format (like the Explore and Tagged pages on web). It creates a dense amount of information!


Post only to a Tagged Page

Tanya hacked the post editor to let you post directly to a tagged page! The posts made this way will only show up on that tagged page, and not your blog, or anywhere else. Great for folks that want to participate in a tag but not have it show up on their blog!


Mobile Rave Room

And it wouldn’t be a Tumblr Hack Day without a rave room hack: @oli took the rave room mobile and did a (completely not officially sponsored) DJ set in NYC and live streamed it.


Stay tuned to the @changes blog to see if any of these hacks make it on Tumblr for real!

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