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==Present day==
15 (Edm) Fd Amb is a unit of 1 Health Services Group (1 HSG) and under operational control (OPCON) of [[41 Canadian Brigade Group]], consisting of all Alberta Army Reserve personnel. As a Canadian Forces (CF) Primary Reserve unit, members may serve on a full or part-time basis. Deployments are voluntary, and personnel continue to serve alongside Regular Force CF members. The [[Edmonton]] unit is based at Brigadier James Curry Jefferson Building, and in [[Calgary]] at the Mewata Armoury. The current Commanding Officer (Apris 2019) isLieutenant LColColonel David Allen, CD (Apr 2019) and the current Regimental Sergeant Major (Sepis 2019)Chief isWarrant CWOOfficer Suzanne McAdam,MMM, CD (Sep 2019).
==Command team==