Icon of program: Omegle Chat

Omegle Chat APK for Android


Key Details of Omegle Chat

  • Chat for Omegle
  • Last updated on June 12, 2024
  • There have been 5 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Omegle Chat

Editors' Review

Download.com staff
Chat for Omegle

Omegle Chat is a popular service that lets you talk to strangers from all over the world without revealing who you are. It's designed for quick and anonymous chats, offering both text and video options, and you don't need to sign up or provide any personal details. The main draw of Omegle is its ability to pair you randomly with others, making every conversation a new surprise. You probably heard about Omegle, meet its chat app!

When you visit the website, you can choose to start chatting immediately in either text or video mode. In text chats, you and the other person are just known as "Stranger 1" and "Stranger 2," which helps keep things private. If you prefer seeing and talking to people, the video chat lets you connect using your webcam.

Omegle's design is simple, with a clean layout that makes it easy to use right from the start. It works well on various devices such as computers and smartphones, which means you can access it just through a web browser without needing a special app. Please be aware that this is the Android page.

Omegle is great for anyone who wants to have a quick chat without the hassle of creating a profile. It’s especially good for people who like meeting new people randomly but also value their privacy. However, because you never know who you're going to meet, it's important to be careful.

Omegle does a good job of letting you chat smoothly and quickly. One cool feature is "spy mode," where you can ask questions to others anonymously. Since there are no user accounts, your chats aren’t saved, which underscores the casual, no-strings-attached vibe of Omegle. The key feature of Omegle is connecting you randomly with others, which can be based on shared interests if you choose. This was enhanced when Omegle added the option to add "interest" tags, helping you find chats that might be more interesting to you.

Bottom Line

Originally, Omegle was only a website and remains so today. There used to be an app, but as of early 2021, it’s no longer available in the Google Play Store. However, similar apps like Chat for Omegle or Free Omegle Chat are available but aren't officially linked to Omegle.

What's new in version 1.0

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Full Specifications

June 4, 2024
Latest update
June 12, 2024
Operating System
Android 4.2.2, Android 4.0, Android 9.0, Android 4.1.1, Android 4.1.2, Android 7.0, Android 4.2.1, Android 6.0, Android 8.0, Android 4.2, Android 4.3, Android 5.0, Android 4.1, Android 4.4
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