UNHCR | Monsoon Emergency | Donate Today

Nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees have sought safety in Bangladesh after fleeing persecution and violence in Myanmar. Now monsoonal rains and cyclones are threatening their safety.

They are desperate to return to their homes in Myanmar, but instead live in extremely overcrowded, and sometimes dangerous conditions in refugee camps, relying almost entirely on humanitarian assistance for survival. The risk of fire spreading through shelters, annual monsoon rains, and cyclones cause even more difficulty for those living in exile.

Cyclone season has begun, and so far, thousands of families in Cox’s Bazar have been forced to flee their homes by heavy rainfall and landslides. UNHCR is working with authorities and local volunteers to provide essential services and protection, including for women, children, and people with disabilities. But we need your support.

Help provide Rohingya refugees with safe shelter and protection.

Photo Credit: © Salim Khan 



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Summary of donation information

One-off donation: Your gift will help provide urgent aid to refugees and displaced people forced to flee in Bangladesh, Myanmar and nearby countries.
Monthly donation: Consider making a monthly donation. Monthly donations help assist more families forced to flee. By making a regular gift to UNHCR, you can provide refugees and displaced people worldwide with ongoing relief, protection, and hope for a better future.

US $200

can provide certified training to a teacher in Bangladesh and help refugee children continue their education 

US $84

can provide six months of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to a Rohingya family for clean cooking  

US $48

can provide mosquito nets to four Rohingya families affected by monsoons