Confiant Ad Quality Module


Confiant is an industry leader in the field of ad tech security and quality. This module provides a low latency pre-auction scanning for such issues. Any suggestions or questions can be directed to [email protected] e-mail.


Execution Plan

This module supports running at the stage:

  • all-processed-bid-responses: this is where all bids are back and PBS-core bid validations are done.

Account-Level Config

Here’s a general template for the account config used in PBS-Java:

        enabled: true
    host-execution-plan: >
          "endpoints": {
            "/openrtb2/auction": {
              "stages": {
                "all-processed-bid-responses": {
                  "groups": [
                      "timeout": 200,
                      "hook-sequence": [
                          "module-code": "confiant-ad-quality",
                          "hook-impl-code": "confiant-ad-quality-bid-responses-scan-hook"

List of module configuration options

  • api-key - Confiant’s API key.
  • redis-config
    • write-node
      • host - Host value of the Confiant’s Write Redis Node.
      • port - Port value of the Confiant’s Write Redis Node.
      • password - User password value of the Confiant’s Write Redis Node.
    • read-node
      • host - Host value of the Confiant’s Read Redis Node.
      • port - Port value of the Confiant’s Read Redis Node.
      • password - User password value of the Confiant’s Read Redis Node.
  • redis-retry-config
    • short-interval-attempts - Maximum attempts with short interval value to try to reconnect to Confiant’s Redis server in case any connection error happens.
    • short-interval - Short time interval in milliseconds after which another one attempt to connect to Redis will be executed.
    • long-interval-attempts - Maximum attempts with long interval value to try to reconnect to Confiant’s Redis server in case any connection error happens. This attempts are used when short-attempts were not successful.
    • long-interval - Long time interval in milliseconds after which another one attempt to connect to Redis will be executed.
  • scan-state-check-interval - Time interval in milliseconds between periodic calls to check if scan state is enabled on the side of Redis server.
  • bidders-to-exclude-from-scan - List of bidders which won’t be scanned by Confiant
      api-key: "hgr876cerg7655"
          host: ""
          port: 8000
          password: "password-w"
          host: ""
          port: 8001
          password: "password-r"
        short-interval-attempts: 60
        short-interval: 1000
        long-interval-attempts: 336
        long-interval: 1800000
      scan-state-check-interval: 100000
      bidders-to-exclude-from-scan: >

Analytics Tags

There’s only one analytics activity defined by this module: “ad-scan”. ATag values:

  1. for activities[].results[].status inspected-has-issue (response was scanned by Confiant and some issue found)
    1. No values block
    2. Attributes in the appliedto block:
      1. bidders: the list of bidders of the blocked response
      2. impIds: the list of of the blocked response
      3. bidIds: the list of of the blocked response
  2. for activities[].results[].status inspected-no-issues (response was scanned by Confiant and no issues found)
    1. No values block
    2. Attributes in the appliedto block:
      1. bidders: the list of bidders of the “clean” response
      2. impIds: the list of of the “clean” response
      3. bidIds: the list of of the “clean” response
  3. for activities[].results[].status skipped (response was skipped because of the config: bidders-to-exclude-from-scan)
    1. No values block
    2. Attributes in the appliedto block:
      1. bidders: the list of bidders of the skipped response
      2. impIds: the list of of the skipped response
      3. bidIds: the list of of the skipped response

Here’s an example analytics tag that might be produced for use in an analytics adapter:

  "activities": [{
    "name": "ad-scan",
    "status": "success",
    "results": [{
      // bidderA was scanned by Confiant and has an issue for imp=A
      "status": "inspected-has-issue",
      "values": null,
      "appliedto": {
        "bidders": ["bidderA"],
        "impIds": ["A"],
        "bidIds": ["bidIdA"]
      // bidderB was scanned by Confiant and does not have any issues for imp=B
      "status": "inspected-no-issues",
      "values": null,
      "appliedto": {
        "bidders": ["bidderB"],
        "impIds": ["B"],
        "bidIds": ["bidIdB"]
      // bidderC was not scanned by Confiant because of the `bidders-to-exclude-from-scan` configuration
      "status": "skipped",
      "values": null,
      "appliedto": {
        "bidders": ["bidderC"],
        "impIds": ["C"],
        "bidIds": ["bidIdC"]

Further Reading