Google Cloud 2024 DORA Awards Submission Form
Ready to get started? Please follow the instructions outlined below and make sure to complete every required field. You may enter as many categories as you would like. However, you are only eligible to win one award, and if selected as a winner in multiple categories, you will be granted the highest award for which you qualify. Please refer to the Awards Guidebook for details.
Once your application is submitted, you can edit your responses until the deadline of June 30, 2024.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Company/Organization *
Mailing address *
City *
State/Region/Province *
Country *
Phone number *
Upload your company's logo via a Google Drive link (high resolution) *
Please list all Google Cloud team members that you work with (Account Manager, FSR, TAM, CE). *
Are you a Google Cloud Partner? *
Select the regions where you have active Google Cloud workloads/projects.
Select all industries that your organization specializes in.
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