highvern's Permanent Taglist
Please complete the information below to be added to my permanent tag list! You will only be tagged in written content such as: drabbles/oneshots, series, or SMAU's. My content is a mixture of fluff, smut, angst, and dark elements. Adding yourself to this list means you consent to be tagged in such works with the exception of darker content (example: Heart of the Sea) due to trigger content that will have a fic specific taglist.

My blog is an 18+ blog only. Minors are not welcome in my creative space. Blank blogs and blogs without an age indicator will be assumed as minors and blocked accordingly. 
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I understand that checking "yes" above means that if I am found to be lying about my age it will result in a hard block by the writer.

I also understand my account information will be shared within the networks the writer is a member of which may result in being blocked or blacklisted by other writers.
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