about:credits Application
A place in Mozilla's "about:credits" page - https://www.mozilla.org/credits/ - is available to anyone who has "made a significant investment of time, with useful results, into Mozilla project-governed activities". If that's you, please fill out this form. There is a FAQ about this process - https://www.mozilla.org/credits/faq/.

It is a BIG help to us if you read and follow these instructions carefully. It's long because it tries to help you avoid the most common issues people have with their applications.

IMPORTANT: you should assume that _everything_ you put into this form is, or will become, publicly readable.


Some notes on names. Names are a complicated subject. We do our best to accommodate everyone's wishes without compromising aesthetics or propriety. Please:

* Give your name as you normally use it - so if you don't use your middle names on a normal day, don't include them.
* Do not include "nicks", "handles", titles or qualifications.
* Supply at least two non-abbreviated name components if at all possible.
* If your normally-used name does contain initials, place a dot "." after each one.
* Place the components of your name in the order customary in your part of the world. (Use question 2 to tell us how your name should be sorted.)
* Use a romanized form of your name, if your country does not use the Latin alphabet.
* Within the above restriction, you may use any Unicode character.
* Use Initial Caps, for consistent presentation.

Examples: Fred Bloggs, Yao Ming, Søren Sørensen, Tatjana Nakova, Nguyễn Xuân Sơn.


To qualify for inclusion, you need to have "made a significant investment of time, with useful results, into Mozilla project-governed activities". There are several key parts to this definition - "significant", "useful", and "Mozilla project-governed" being the top three.


* only include activities which are directly overseen/governed by the Mozilla project ("official", you might say)
* make sure you've made a significant investment of time; remember, you can always apply in a couple of months when you've done more stuff. It would be sad to have to turn you down
* make sure what you did was actually useful to Mozilla itself

Things which are great to do but which *don't* count for this include:

* telling your friends about Firefox, or promoting Mozilla on social media
* running an independent website
* building Firefox addons
* making Webmaker Makes
* hacking on Mozilla software but without your patches being integrated
* fixing just one or two bugs (unless they are big ones)

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What is your name? *
Please give your name as you would like it to appear on the list, bearing in mind the Name Guidelines above. If you see any discrepancy in name on credits page once you are added, you can report it to us by replying to the application acceptance mail.
What part of your name do we use for sorting it correctly? *
The answer to this question defines which section of the list you want to appear in, and where in the list your name goes. The answer to this question will be a sub-part (substring) of the answer to the first question. It will be your surname or family name, if you have one. Examples: Fred Bloggs would put "Bloggs", and "Yao Ming" would put "Yao".
What is your email address? *
This will not be reproduced on about:credits, but will appear in the checkin comment for your entry. It also helps us disambiguate people with the same name, and to contact contributors in the future (e.g. we needed this for the monument).
What is your citation? *
A citation is a single sentence, summarising your accomplishments at Mozilla. Please read the Qualification Guidelines above very carefully. A citation is not the same thing as a MoCo job title - say what you do or did, not what you are labelled as.You can see citation examples here: https://goo.gl/Cmqg6S. The citation is the part between the double quotes; please don't include the quotes in your answer. Citation must be in English language only.
Where is your evidence? *
It helps us greatly if you can give URLs which demonstrate your contribution. This might be to a search in Bugzilla, or a list of questions answered on SUMO, or any other Mozilla system which contains evidence of your contributions. Evidences will be considered in English language only (link to translation in English will also work).
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