MOD function - Amazon Redshift

MOD function

Returns the remainder of two numbers, otherwise known as a modulo operation. To calculate the result, the first parameter is divided by the second.


MOD(number1, number2)



The first input parameter is an INTEGER, SMALLINT, BIGINT, or DECIMAL number. If either parameter is a DECIMAL type, the other parameter must also be a DECIMAL type. If either parameter is an INTEGER, the other parameter can be an INTEGER, SMALLINT, or BIGINT. Both parameters can also be SMALLINT or BIGINT, but one parameter cannot be a SMALLINT if the other is a BIGINT.


The second parameter is an INTEGER, SMALLINT, BIGINT, or DECIMAL number. The same data type rules apply to number2 as to number1.

Return type

The return type of the MOD function is the same numeric type as the input parameters, if both input parameters are the same type. If either input parameter is an INTEGER, however, the return type will also be an INTEGER. Valid return types are DECIMAL, INT, SMALLINT, and BIGINT.

Usage notes

You can use % as a modulo operator.


To return the remainder when a number is divided by another, use the following example.

SELECT MOD(10, 4); +-----+ | mod | +-----+ | 2 | +-----+

To return a DECIMAL result when using the MOD function, use the following example.

SELECT MOD(10.5, 4); +-----+ | mod | +-----+ | 2.5 | +-----+

To cast a number before running the MOD function, use the following example. For more information, see CAST function.

SELECT MOD(CAST(16.4 AS INTEGER), 5); +-----+ | mod | +-----+ | 1 | +-----+

To check if the first parameter is even by dividing it by 2, use the following example.

SELECT mod(5,2) = 0 AS is_even; +---------+ | is_even | +---------+ | false | +---------+

To use % as a modulo operator, use the following example.

SELECT 11 % 4 as remainder; +-----------+ | remainder | +-----------+ | 3 | +-----------+

The following example uses the TICKIT sample database. For more information, see Sample database.

To return information for odd-numbered categories in the CATEGORY table, use the following example.

SELECT catid, catname FROM category WHERE MOD(catid,2)=1 ORDER BY 1,2; +-------+-----------+ | catid | catname | +-------+-----------+ | 1 | MLB | | 3 | NFL | | 5 | MLS | | 7 | Plays | | 9 | Pop | | 11 | Classical | +-------+-----------+