진한 파란색 글꼴의 '멤버십 뉴스레터'라는 텍스트가 있는 하늘색 배너와 오른쪽에 종이비행기 삽화가 있습니다. 또한 배너에는 '제한이 없습니다.'라는 문구가 표시됩니다.

WTM 앰배서더와 함께 참석하고 친목을 도모하세요.

가운데에 굵은 흰색 줄무늬가 있는 선명한 청록색 배너입니다. 이벤트 제목은 'Empower. Connect를 탭합니다. 리드: Women Techmakers Community' 구축. 제목 아래에는 날짜 '12월 6일 수요일'과 '오전 10시(태평양 표준시)' 시간이 명확하고 읽기 쉬운 형식으로 표시됩니다.

최신 기술을 마음껏 즐기세요.🔥

Join us on December 6 for our first ever Networking Event and dive into inspiring discussions led by rockstar Women Techmakers Ambassadors on AI/ML, Cloud, UX Design, and Android!

기술 업계를 이끄는 뛰어난 여성들을 보여주는 패널 멤버의 초상화를 역동적으로 담은 컬렉션입니다. 각 패널 멤버는 생동감 있고 다채로운 프레임에 자신의 이름과 직책이 눈에 띄게 표시되어 있습니다. 왼쪽부터 패널 멤버는 AI/ML 앰배서더 마도나 웜부아, 클라우드 앰배서더인 나탈리 고덱, UX 앰배서더 카르멘 안시오, Android 앰배서더 에진 오스아마디입니다.

Our exciting agenda includes:

  • A panel discussion with WTM Ambassadors who will unveil their tech career paths, knowledge-building strategies, and more.

  • Exciting networking tables led by each Ambassador to foster discussions about their area of expertise.

  • A glimpse into our 2024 plans to continue shaping the future of WTM and the broader tech industry.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to build the Women Techmakers community!

🗓️ December 6, 2023 🕒 10:00 – 11:15 am (PT)

WTM에 대한 애정을 표현해 보세요.

Instagram이 게시되었습니다 🙌

Join us on our new Instagram channel, a space where we celebrate your voices, your ambition, and your insatiable curiosity.

오른쪽에 블루 아이비 카터(Blue Ivy Carter)가 등장하고 오른쪽에 '기술 분야의 여성들(Fellow Women in tech)'이라는 텍스트가 있는 밈
Google 검색창과 '여성들이 IT 분야에 종사해야 하나요?'라는 질문이 화면에 점진적으로 나타나고 있는 상황을 묘사한 생각을 자극하는 애니메이션

지금 WTM 상품을 주문하세요 🏷️

Every purchase contributes to our mission of fostering a thriving community of women in the tech industry.

Visit our store and place your order today:

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Google의 최신 소식

머신러닝 (ML)의 미래를 만들어 가는 다양한 여성들을 보여주는 고무적이고 상호 연결된 디지털 예술작품입니다.

2023년 ML 심포지엄 여성

Learn the latest in Machine Learning at the 3rd annual Women in ML Symposium, an event for anyone who is passionate about the exciting fields of ML and AI. Discover new tools and hear from experts across multiple industries covering topics like generative AI, privacy, real-world applications, and more.

🗓️ December 7, 2023 🕒 11:30 am (GMT)

다채로운 기하학적 모양과 삽화가 그려진 DevFest 로고 애니메이션 GIF입니다.

DevFest 2023에서 기술 아이디어 얻기

Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge tech, connect with fellow developers, and unlock your potential! RSVP today to meet like-minded developers from all levels and backgrounds in your local community.

상단에 Google for Developers 로고가 있는 파란색 원형 DevFest 배지

Discord에서 DevFest에 참여하세요!

Join our first ever virtual DevFest on Discord! Among many technical and product sessions and community talks, we are excited to announce a keynote by Sequoyah Patrick, Global Lead of the Women Techmakers program.

Make sure to also check out the WTM and Women-in-Tech channels on the server and tune in to one of the upcoming events!

Take me to Discord

원활하게 열고 닫는 중괄호의 동적 애니메이션으로 다양한 그룹의 사람들이 괄호 안의 다양한 학습 및 네트워킹 활동에 참여하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

컴퓨터 공학에서 기회 창출하기

Many opportunities are available to those with computing knowledge and technical skills, but access to education on these topics is still not equitably distributed. That’s why this Computer Science Education Week, we need your help to close equity gaps.

Join us at CSEdWeek to inspire the next generation of developers and prepare them for a technology-driven tomorrow.

🗓️ December 4-10, 2023

Google for Startups 액셀러레이터

밝은 파란색 가운데에 Women Founders 로고가 있고 왼쪽 상단에 Google for Startups 로고가 있는 흰색 배너

모금 패널

Join us for a panel discussion with 4 venture capitalists (VCs) to learn about the fundraising process. You'll gain insights into the VC perspective, what to consider when fundraising, and how to make the most of your
relationships with VCs.

🗓️ December 5, 2023

🕒 11:00 am (CST)

Google for Startups 및 Accelerator 로고와 이미지 중앙에 'Black Founders'라는 텍스트가 있는 흰색 배너입니다.

흑인 파운더스 - 데모 데이

Watch 12 innovative startups from our latest North American cohort pitch live from Google NYC and learn how they're using technology to solve problems in Fintech, Health and Wellness, Media, and more. We can't wait to see you on the livestream!

🗓️ November 30, 2023

🕒 1:00 pm (EST)

온라인 수업을 수강 중인 다양한 그룹의 사진

스타트업 학교를 통한 비즈니스 향상: 생성형 AI

Save your seat for our 6-week program to learn how to leverage Google Cloud's latest Gen AI tools and solutions to accelerate your business growth. Our experts will guide you through hands-on classes covering a range of topics, including text, image, speech, and code. Whether you're new to Gen AI or have some experience, this program will help you take your business to the next level.

The classes will be held from Tuesday, January 16 to Thursday, February 22, 2024.

최신 AI/ML, 클라우드, 웹 콘텐츠로 기술 강화

구름 요소를 보여주는 추상적인 그림

Cloud Professional 인증 시험 업데이트

Google Cloud has released 2 refreshed professional certification exams : Professional Data Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. Earn these certifications and validate your ability to transform businesses with Google Cloud technology.

ML 파동이 서로 연결된 일련의 원이 동적인 패턴으로 흐르는 추상적인 그림입니다.

무료로 생성형 AI 알아보기

Embrace the gift of learning and empower yourself with generative AI. Gain insights into this transformative technology with 12 no-cost ways to learn gen AI. Enroll today and discover a wealth of opportunities to delve into the fundamentals of generative AI and its diverse applications.

⏯ 놓쳤을 수도 있습니다...

Women Techmakers 'Assembler: 안내s to meetHer' 멤버십 이벤트 배너

Watch the replay of our inspiring conversation with creativity expert Johanna Calic, Head of Creative Effectiveness at Google, and get inspired by her fantastic journey and career path to unleash your own creative potential and leverage it for personal and professional success.

커뮤니티 하이라이트

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

WTM 앰배서더 에메랄드를 만나보세요 ✨

조랑말 꼬리에 긴 갈색 머리를 가진 나이지리아 여성 에메랄드가 카메라를 향해 미소를 짓고 있습니다.

Emerald is a 20-year-old Nigerian tech enthusiast who is a shining example of a changemaker!

From a young age, she was drawn to technology and its potential to solve real-world problems, leading her to participate in a Technovation competition at 16. Through this experience, she discovered the potential of technology to drive positive change, particularly in environmental sustainability and social impact.

Now, Emerald is a WTM and Society of Women Engineers Ambassador, working to empower aspiring engineers, especially women, to pursue their dreams in tech through mentorship and education. She is passionately dedicated to promoting inclusivity, breaking down barriers, and creating a thriving community where everyone can reach their full potential.

She is also part of the World Bank S4YE Youth Advisory Group (YAG), an organization that recognizes the crucial role of youth in shaping the future of AI, and ensures that the perspectives and experiences of young people are integrated into all aspects of their work, research, and decision-making. Through her work with YAG, Emerald is committed to empowering the next generation of AI professionals by advocating for their voices and creating a more inclusive environment where they can thrive.

When asked about what she wishes every woman who is interested in getting into the tech industry knew, Emerald said: “You have the power to make a significant impact in tech and contribute to a more inclusive and innovative future. Believe in yourself, break barriers, and defy stereotypes. The tech world needs your unique perspective and talents, so go out there and show the world what you can achieve!”

방문 전 팁:

한 무리의 여성들이 별을 둘러싸고 있는 모습을 표현한 그림

2023년 WTM 멤버십 이벤트를 정주행하세요.

From inspiring talks on gender equity to incredible career transformations, this year's events have been nothing short of EPIC! 💥 As we prepare to wrap up 2023 with our first-ever WTM Membership Networking Event, we thought you might want to revisit our past events and get amped for the last event of the year and for everything that's in store for 2024!

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

밝은 갈색 피부와 곱슬머리에 화려한 색상의 자수 블라우스를 입고 웃고 있는 멕시코 여성입니다.

Email sent (with hope) by Tania Rodriguez

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