Women Techmakers in 60 Seconds Series!

How to get your business funded in 60 seconds

How to get your business funded in 60 seconds

Looking for financial investors for your business? Nadia Gil, Head of Business Strategy at Google shares a tip for entrepreneurs looking to get their business funded. Learn about the importance of resilience and how it’s the most important decision for an investor.

Google Developer Experts Program in 60 seconds

Google Developer Experts Program in 60 seconds

Do you want to grow your tech career and make a difference? Google Program Manager, Justyna Politanska-Pyszko shares everything you need to know to become a Google Developer Expert (GDE).

Become a Women Techmakers Ambassador

WTM is dedicated to creating a world where all women can thrive in tech. Ambassadors are women and allies around the world who empower their local tech communities through hosting events, speaking engagements, creating content, and mentoring others.. Applications open on August 1, 2022. Lead and empower your community with support from Google. Learn more here!

Community Highlights

Meet WTM Ambassador Helen Duruson

Meet WTM Ambassador Helen Duruson

Every month we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Read through some of these helpful resources and events.

Helen has always been passionate about IT. Growing up in a developing country, she saw how gross inequality and inequity for women limited their opportunities. This realization led her to start advocating for gender equity and eventually  she co-founded Ehlites.org which is dedicated to empowering women, teens, and youth by teaching them digital skills. She also leveraged her knowledge and experience to mentor small business owners by providing advice, network contacts, and cultural insights with ongoing personal support and encouragement.

Finding Courage and Inspiration in the Developer Community

Google Developer Experts weigh in on how mentoring programs empowered them to become leaders

Google Developer Experts weigh in on how mentoring programs empowered them to become leaders

How do we empower women in tech and equip them with the skills they need to help them become true leaders? One way is by learning from others’ successes and failures. Web GDEs Debbie O’Brien, Julia Miocene, and Glafira Zhur discuss the value of one-to-one mentoring and the impact it has made on their own professional and personal development.

UX Design Thinking

UX Design Thinking

Hosted by Google for Startups Women Founders

As a tech founder, UX design is crucial to your business' success. Join UX Design Thinking hosted by Google for Startups: Women Founders. Thissession will cover  best practices in design process, including how to define your product offering and/or how to create a shared vision. Join us August 18, 2022, 12:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT.

Find a Google Developer Group near you!

Are You Looking to Grow as a Developer?

Are You Looking to Grow as a Developer?

Google Developer Groups

If you’re looking to grow as a developer, find a GDG group near you. The community prides itself on being an inclusive environment where everyone and anyone interested in tech – from beginner developers to experienced professionals – are welcome to join.

Sign up for 2022 Solution Challenge

Google Developer Student Clubs

Google Developer Student Clubs

Catch up on the 2022 Solution Challenge, hosted by Google Developer Student Clubs. See the top 10 finalist teams demo their solutions and find out who the top 3 winners are.With months in the making, these students have come together with their local Google Developer Student Club teammates at their universities to create some truly inspiring ideas to support the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

A Path to Programming

Get inspired: How a Computer Science Professor Found Career Support with Google Developer Groups

“I was hooked from the start,” says Jennifer Bailey about programming. Always interested in the way systems work, Jennifer, now an educator in Colorado, found her path to programming in an unconventional way. At just 15 years old she  earned a General Educational Development degree, otherwise known as a “GED” in the United States, from Aims Community College.

Check out Jennifer's journey here!

Watch Anna Vainer’s Founder Story #IAMREMARKABLE

Our Story

Have you ever been in a situation — in a job interview, meeting, or even a social engagement — where you had to talk about your achievements? It’s not easy, is it? I first realized this in 2015 when I was taking part in a women-only workshop at Google. One by one, we were called up to talk about what it was that made us remarkable. So many of us struggled.

We wanted to do something about this, so in 2016 Anna and I created a movement that would raise awareness of everything we’d learned and help participants feel more comfortable when it came to self-promotion. We called it #IamRemarkable.

Redeem Your WTM Membership Badge

As a member of the Women Techmakers community, we invite you to redeem your Women Techmakers membership badge in your  Google Developer profile.

Don't Forget to Redeem Your Badge here!

Mindful Tip before you go..

Prioritize Your Mental Health Through Meditation

Prioritize Your Mental Health Through Meditation

The mental benefits of meditation go beyond stress relief to include anxiety and depression reduction, improved self-esteem, self-awareness, better concentration, and compassion.

Mental health is the foundation for the rest of your life. Your work, relationships, obligations, physical health expectations, and overall happiness begin with mental health. Take care of your mind in 2022 by giving meditation a try, and see how it affects your wellbeing.

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