May 2022

Membership Newsletter

Give us your Feedback

Join us as we enhance our Women Techmakers Membership Program offerings. Interested in progressing with leadership development or technical skills trainings or meet others and build your network?

Fill this survey and make it happen! Have more ideas and want your voice to be heard? Join our focus group session (spots are limited).

Google I/O Extended Web Edition

For Web fans among you, we're planning a dedicated Web Edition with the latest content, best practices, and codelabs. See what’s new in emerging web topics. Explore the session if you're interested in attending an I/O Extended: Web edition event.

WTM Lead, Sequoyah Patrick, at Google I/O

Sequoyah Patrick, WomenTechmakers’ Global Program Lead said, "Google I/O is always a great reminder of how tech can positively impact the world. More importantly, it shows how women are contributing to the industry." Some highlights as below:

  • Virtual events for Black+ women and Women in Tech around the globe 

  • In-person receptions our team hosted for our WTM ambassadors and organizers

  • At Google I/O Keynote, which featured our Black Women in Tech initiative!

WTM events created a space for women to come together to learn, network, and inspire one another.

What's new at Google

The Google Developers Experts Program

The Google Developers Experts Program

The Google Developer Experts Program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts who have expertise in Google technologies and contribute to the wider developer and startup ecosystem.

These thought leaders are changing the world through technology.

Between the Brackets

Between the Brackets

Between the Brackets is a video podcast-style show bringing together Experts and Googlers to discuss Google tech, community requested developer topics, and answer your questions!

In this episode with GDE Artur Badretdinov and GDE Etienne Caron, we look at MVU and MVI architectures. We will look into using these architectural patterns to multiply your returns on Firebase application projects.

Community Highlight

Redeem Your WTM Membership Badge

As a member of the Women Techmakers community, we invite you to redeem your Women Techmakers membership badge as part of Google Developer Profiles.

Before you go...

Is working from home not working? Here are 10 tips to help you focus ❤

Working from home can require considerable self-control. Whereas our “normal” work environments – offices, factories, shops – are set up to effectively engage in work, for many employees, home environments are not.

When working from home can mean adapting to new technologies, changing forms of communication, resisting distractions from family members, pets, or mundane household activities, or keeping up motivation when the sun is shining outside.

Overcoming these demands and engaging in work requires self control, which in turn depletes mental energy levels.

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