January 2022

Membership Newsletter

Apply to become a WTM Ambassador today!

Are you…

  • a leader in your local tech community who likes to create impact by organizing events, public speaking, creating content or mentoring others?

  • passionate about technology and gender equity?

  • looking for a supportive community, leadership opportunities, exclusive development sessions and more?

... then the Ambassador program is for you! 

Women Techmakers Ambassadors are women and allies around the world who empower their local tech communities through hosting events, speaking engagements, creating content and mentoring others and are dedicated to creating a world where all women can thrive in tech.

Why participate?

  • Get connected to a supportive community of technologists around the world

  • Receive support from Google for your community activities

  • Participate in exclusive development sessions

  • Get recognized for your impactful work in the community

Apply today

Applications for the Women Techmakers Ambassador program are now open through April 30  

Community Highlights

Every month we spotlight contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Take a read through some of these helpful resources and events hosted.

WTM Ambassador Spotlight Series

Check out our ongoing WTM Ambassador Spotlight series with WTM Ambassador Khongorzul Mankhbat, ML engineer and musician from Mongolia, who encourages #womenintech to never give up, and Sherry Yang as she shares her experience as an Asian woman in tech who believes in the power of community.

Don't forget to Subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don’t miss out on any future episodes!

Meet Khongorzul Munkhbat, WTM Ambassador in Mongolia

Meet Khongorzul Munkhbat, WTM Ambassador in Mongolia

Meet Sherry Yang, WTM Ambassador in Canada

Meet Sherry Yang, WTM Ambassador in Canada

What's New at Google

Google for Startups Women Founders

Google for Startups Women Founders

Google for Startups Women Founders will host a February workshop, led by Jeremy Neuner, focused on the power of storytelling to help build the mission and story for your own business. Coming out of this interactive session, you will be able to develop a compelling story for your own business and understand where it can be used.

DevFest Inspire 2021

DevFest Inspire 2021

Missed DevFest Inspire? A 2.5-hour live and virtual African & European celebration where we recognized content created by the community, as well as showcased speakers from our Google products. We had a total of 14 talks, covering Web, Android, Cloud, Firebase, Fitbit, ML, how to create a startup, and how to think about Accessibility!

Android Developers

Android Developers

Expand your network on LinkedIn!

Follow the new official Android Developers LinkedIn account for industry news, networking opportunities, and educational resources.

Hash Code

Hash Code

Registration is now open for Hash Code, Google’s team coding competition that inspires developers of all skill levels to team up and tackle a real Google engineering problem. This year’s contest kicks off with the Qualification Round on February 24th. There is no right answer, so the goal is to work with your team and create the best solution you can.

Redeem Your WTM Membership Badge

As a member of the Women Techmakers community, we invite you to redeem your Women Techmakers membership badge as part of Google Developer Profiles.

Before you go...

Well-being tip: Keep your health top of mind while working from home

Well-being tip: Keep your health top of mind while working from home

Looking for ways to take better care of yourself while working remote? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Check out the remote employee wellness in a WFH world top tips here↗︎

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Email sent by Dora Ho

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