Create an experiment integration with Google Analytics

This guide explains how to integrate your third-party A/B experiment tool with Google Analytics to allow your users to run A/B experiment variants in your tool and then interpret the results in Google Analytics.

Who this is for

The guide is intended for third-party A/B experiment solution providers. If you want to learn about the integration between Google Analytics and third-party A/B experiment solutions, see Integrating with a third-party experiment tool.


The integration between your third-party experiment tool and Google Analytics requires you to use:

Additionally, the user who starts the experiment in your tool must be an Editor (or above) in the Google Analytics property.

Add the exp_variant_string parameter to an event

You need to create an identifier for each variant and then add the identifier to the exp_variant_string parameter in the following experience_impression event. You'll use the parameter to create an audience to associate a user with a variant.

gtag('event', 'experience_impression', {
  // Replace the value with the Experiment-variant ID
  exp_variant_string: "ABC-F2948574-3495F49"

Send the experience_impression event when a user is added to a variant (e.g., when an experiment page loads).

Format the parameter

To avoid duplication across experiments and other partners, we recommend using the format XXX-YYYYYYYYY-ZZZZZZZZ for the exp_variant_string parameter value, where:

  • XXX is the ID for your third-party tool
  • YYYYYYYYY is the ID of the experience
  • ZZZZZZZZ is the ID of the variant

You can use any number of characters for your tool, experiences, and variants.

Define an audience using the exp_variant_string parameter

Audiences allow you to group users who have been added to a variant, based on the exp_variant_string parameter. By using this parameter as the membership condition for an audience, you can add users to the appropriate audience based on the variant they have been added to.

To create audiences for new experiences and archive audiences for ended experiences, use the properties.audiences resource in the Google Analytics Admin API.

Create audiences

The following request body creates an audience for users who have been added to a variant with the ID ABC-F2948574-3495F49 using the properties.audiences.create method. Note that you can adjust the membership duration based on the length of the experience (max: 540).

We recommend that you set the atAnyPointInTime parameter to true to reduce data discrepancies across experiments. When you set the parameter to true, a user who has been assigned to a passed experiment can be assigned to a new experiment. When you set the parameter to false or if it's unset, the user cannot be added to a new experiment if they've already been assigned to a passed experiment.

  "displayName": "Audience ABC - experiment F2948574 variant 3495F49",
  "membershipDurationDays": 30,
  "filterClauses": [
      "clauseType": "INCLUDE",
      "simpleFilter": {
        "filterExpression": {
          "andGroup": {
            "filterExpressions": [
                "orGroup": {
                  "filterExpressions": [
                      "eventFilter": {
                        "eventName": "experience_impression",
                        "eventParameterFilterExpression": {
                          "andGroup": {
                            "filterExpressions": [
                                "orGroup": {
                                  "filterExpressions": [
                                      "dimensionOrMetricFilter": {
                                        "fieldName": "exp_variant_string",
                                        "stringFilter": {
                                          "matchType": "EXACT",
                                          "value": "ABC-F2948574-3495F49"
                                        "atAnyPointInTime": true

The previous code snippet creates the following audience:

  • Audience name: "Audience ABC - experiment F2948574 variant 3495F49"
  • Audience definition: "Include Users when: events with the name 'experience_impression' have a parameter named 'exp_variant_string' with a value that exactly matches 'ABC-F2948574-3495F49'"
  • Membership duration: 30 days

Archive audiences

When an experience ends, you need to archive the audience using the properties.audiences.archive method. Archiving audiences lets you free up space for users to create more experiences. Users will still be able to access data from their archived audiences using historical data in Google Analytics.

Audience targeting

Audience targeting enables your customers to focus an experiment on a group of users who exhibit specific behaviors on their website. For example, a customer can use audience targeting to target high-value customers with special offers and incentives. Through audience targeting, only users in the audience are shown an experiment.

You can enable your customers to set up audience targeting by importing the users in an audience from Google Analytics and then comparing the User IDs or device identifiers from Google Analytics with the identifiers in your system. When these identifiers match, the user is added to the experiment.

To export users from Google Analytics and import them into your client, use the Audience List API. The Audience List API provides a daily snapshot of the users in an audience and lets you export the User IDs or device identifiers in an audience.

We recommend only requesting an Audience List once per day per audience.


Pausing experiences

Pausing audiences in Google Analytics 4 is not possible.

To enable users to pause experiences, you must:

  • Stop sending the event that triggers when a user becomes a member of a variant
  • Ignore any events while the experience is paused
  • Add report filters to the Google Analytics report to exclude the paused time

Alternatively, you can provide users with a link to manually change the date in Google Analytics.

Reprocessing experience data

If users are missing event information, Analytics can reprocess their experience data. When Google Analytics re-processes experience data, archived audiences from ended experiences are lost. However, users can still retrieve their experience data through events with exp_variant_string in Explorations. This is less accurate than audiences as events that happened before and after the experience will be present in explorations.

Sampling experience data

If users can be allocated to multiple concurrent audiences, customers expose themselves to cardinality issues (which can cause the "(other)" row to appear). The probability of this happening increases as the concurrent experience count increases and the number of audiences used for other purposes (e.g., Ads bidding) increases.

However, if the customer uses Google Analytics 360, Google Analytics will enable automatic expanded data sets when data aggregates under the "(other)" row to give them a more complete picture of their data.

Comparison limits

Google Analytics 4 reports can display up to 4 comparisons at once. When a user has more than 4 variants, the user can swap their audiences in comparisons. Consider prioritizing variants with the best conversion rates.