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تاريخ تحديث المصدر باللغة الإنجليزية: ‏٢١ مايو
تاريخ تحديث اللغة ‏العربية‏: ‏١٠‏/٠٩‏/٢٠٢٣

Live Video API

The Live Video API from Meta shows you how to steam live video to Facebook, create backup streams, crosspost to other profiles or pages, interact with viewers, and more.

في 10 يونيو 2024، ستطلق Meta متطلبات جديدة يجب الوفاء بها قبل أن يتم نشر الحساب على فيسبوك. المتطلبات الجديدة هي كما يلي:

Common Uses


To use this API, your app must undergo App Review for the following features and permissions.

Your app must produce a live RTMPS stream to be abe to stream to Facebook using the Live Video API.



Most endpoints require a mix of the following permissions. To determine which permissions you need, refer to the reference documents for each of the endpoints your app uses.

Publishing on a User

Publishing on a Page

Next Steps

Read our Overview to learn about the API's core concepts, then follow the steps in our Getting Started document to quickly create a broadcast on your own User profile.