Graph API Version

Facebook SDK for JavaScript with RequireJS

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to incorporate the Facebook SDK for JavaScript with other JavaScript modules using RequireJS. Ordinarily, the JavaScript SDK isn’t compatible with the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) design pattern, so this tutorial covers writing a shim to provide the FB object created by the SDK.

This tutorial assumes you’re familiar with RequireJS and JavaScript modules. Find out more about RequireJS.


Configure your other RequireJS scripts as normal, and add a new .js file for interaction with the Facebook SDK. This project assumes a directory structure like the one below:

- project/
   - index.html
   - scripts/
      - main.js
      - require.js

Add a new file for configuring and interacting with the SDK, as below:

- project/
    - index.html
    - scripts/
       - main.js
       - require.js
       - fb.js

You should be importing the requirejs script and declaring main.js as your data-main as follows:

<script data-main="scripts/main" src="scripts/require.js"></script>

Adding a shim to the Facebook SDK

In your main project script, add a shim declaration to the require.config, as shown:

  shim: {
    'facebook' : {
      exports: 'FB'
  paths: {
    'facebook': ''

This creates a facebook module, using the JavaScript SDK URL, and marks the FB object as the export for that module.

In your newly-created fb.js, you can instantiate and use the FB object as usual. Add the App ID for your app from the App Dashboard.

You just need to wrap your code in a define block, passing the facebook shim module as a required dependency.

define(['facebook'], function(){
    appId      : '{your-app-id}',
    version    : 'v20.0'
  FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {