Instagram Graph API

The Instagram Graph API allows Instagram Professionals — Businesses and Creators — to use your app to manage their presence on Instagram. The API can be used to get and publish their media, manage and reply to comments on their media, identify media where they have been @mentioned by other Instagram users, find hashtagged media, and get basic metadata and metrics about other Instagram Businesses and Creators.

The API is intended for Instagram Businesses and Creators who need insight into, and full control over, all of their social media interactions. If you are building an app for consumers or you only need to get an app user's basic profile information, photos, and videos, consider the Instagram Basic Display API instead.

The API is built on the Facebook Graph API. If you are unfamiliar with the Facebook Graph API, please read our Facebook Graph API documentation to learn how it works before proceeding.


  • The API cannot access Instagram consumer accounts (i.e., non-Business or non-Creator Instagram accounts). If you are building an app for consumer users, use the Instagram Basic Display API instead.
  • Content Publishing is available to all Instagram Professional accounts, except Stories, which are only available to business accounts.
  • Ordering results is not supported
  • All endpoints support cursor-based pagination, but the User Insights edge is the only endpoint that supports time-based pagination

Next Steps

Next, learn about the core concepts, componenets, and usage requiremetns for the Instagram Graph API in the Overview.