how to fix error [Developer Policy 1.2 - App is not loading or has broken functionality]

Hello everyone! We have now received the following error message from Facebook "Platform Term 1.2 Developer Policy 1.2 - App is not loading or has broken functionality Platform affected: Android We found that the app did not load properly or had issues that prevented us from completing our review. Common examples of this include broken integrations and interface failures (such as broken buttons or links). This violates Developer Policy 1.2." We have appealed in 5 times with video we were able to log in after correcting but still not accepted. Does anyone else have the same problem as me and how can I fix this problem? Does anyone know how to solve the problem?

تم طرح السؤال منذ حوالي ‏٩‏ أشهر

Were you able to solve this?

We're facing the same issue as described here

‏٢٩ نوفمبر‏‏١:٢٥ ص‏111

I have the same problem too. Was anyone able to fix it? I've described how to test it and I attached a screen recording of the login functionality working perfectly fine and submitted, but it came back like 3 times with no comments.

‏٣ ديسمبر‏‏١١:١٣ ص‏111
الإجابة المحددة

Any result for this issue?

‏٨ نوفمبر‏‏١٢:٢٥ ص‏111

Tried it a couple of times with various approaches. Nothing. Still getting rejected with no additional info.

‏٨ نوفمبر‏‏٦:٤٨ ص‏111

I have a small APP just to login in forum with facebook and got this email too. Tryed many times asking for the reason, made vídeos show that APP is loading ok, even like that, they keep saying "Developer Policy 1.2 - App is not loading or has broken functionality"

‏١٣ نوفمبر‏‏١١:٤٧ ص‏111

We just got "approved/resolved". The reason was they were testing the wrong application (we have V1 and V2 of the app). We then shared a testing account which they were not able to use (they can't copy a password properly) so we shared a 1password secret where they can just click copy and that went through.

Hope this helps.

You can also try writing an email to case @ support . facebook . com (without the spaces), it might get some attention.

‏١٤ ديسمبر‏‏٣:١٦ ص‏111

I have same problem, I dont see problem in app. I checked everywhere,there is no any SDK bug or problem but support keep sending same case. No problem details in Inbox.

‏١٣ مايو‏‏٢:٢٨ م‏111

Hi Every one,, I am getting same message. Please let know, If any one got its solution.

Developer Policy 1.2 - App is not loading or has broken functionality Platform affected: Android We found that the app did not load properly or had issues that prevented us from completing our review. Common examples of this include broken integrations and interface failures (such as broken buttons or links). This violates Developer Policy 1.2."

‏١٨ يونيو‏‏٨:٥٠ م‏111

Same issue here, after requesting more info they did not provide any.

‏١٧ أكتوبر‏‏١١:٤٠ ص‏111

We are also experiencing the same issue, they did not provide any additional information for us as well.

‏٢٠ أكتوبر‏‏٩:٤٨ ص‏111