Degraded Performanceshare-external
messaging_postback webhook not getting triggered PLEASE HELP

I'm subscribed to the messaging_postbacks webhook. When a button type:postback is clicked, the webhook does not get called. I've deleted and recreated my app and unsubscribed and subscribed to the messaging_postbacks webhook event, but no luck. This was working fine until two days ago.

The "Get Started" button also does not work. App is currently in development mode. I was planning on submitting it for approval yesterday, but this issue is preventing me from doing so because my app is justifiably dependent on postback buttons.

Sample Code: "attachment":{ "type":"template", "payload":{ "template_type":"button", "text":"Sample button template text", "buttons":[ { "type":"postback", "title":"Option 1", "payload":"Option_1_Payload" }, { "type":"postback", "title":"Option 2", "payload":"Option_2_Payload" } ] } } }

The sample code above displays the defined button template, but when either option is clicked, the webhook does not get called.

Other webhook events work fine (e.g., the "messages" webhook event), just not messaging_postback.

I've added my URL to the whitelisted_domains.

The messaging_postbacks webhook event call is successful when called via the "Test" button in the App Dashboard -> Products -> Webhooks.

Any assistance you can provide would be immensely valuable, as this issue has escalated into a significant problem.

Asked about 4 months ago

I have similar problem and I'm following this post. I signed up for a new app pointing to the same backend used on my live. Live is using v16. new one uses v19. Messaging works on new but not postbacks. Our backend is not getting any postbacks from meta servers from new app but old app works fine. I thought the versions have anything to do but I'm not getting a single clue as there is nothing being sent to our backend for postbacks, only messaging. I've search anywhere which lead me here.

March 13 at 8:18 PM

Same here, postback is not getting triggered when user clicks a button.

The "Test" button in App Dashbowrd - products - webhooks works fine.

I switched from api v16 to v18 to see if there was any change but nope.

I tried unlinking and liking the page again and configuring everything again to no avail.

I tried using curl instead of the developer dashboard to set the webhook subscriptions, but did not work either (it changed the subscriptions, but postbacks are not getting triggered by meta).

Following the post.

March 14 at 5:56 AM
Selected Answer

Same problem here. Not getting anything from postback

March 21 at 2:58 AM

User need to subscribe the latest version of the API i.e. v19

user must have subscribed to the permissions messages,messaging_seen,messaging_postbacks in webhooks

user needs to be have their app approved for IG DMs at least

Faced the same issue, but now working for me. Also verified on multiple application.

April 10 at 2:22 AM