How can I send votes to 1000 people in less than 30 seconds by WhatsApp (votes by WhatsApp)

I'm in a problem, I need to send 1000 messages in less than 30 seconds through WhatsApp. I have a template that I use to submit a vote with two voting options (yes and no) and a title. In the template I have a variable in which it is used to append the name of the vote and the response options and it is sent as a type message: list of options . At this moment I have a worker that sends n number of messages every x time. but it's not what I want. It's not efficient :(. I need them to be able to be sent in less than 30 seconds.

I don't know if WhatsApp has a policy to limit sending bulk messages. Or it is simply not allowed by meta.

Thank you very much in advance.

Asked about a month ago

cesar , how you resolve the issue? is there a bulk api ?

May 22 at 9:46 AM
Selected Answer

"Hi there! Sending a large number of messages in a short time frame on WhatsApp can be challenging due to potential limitations and policies. WhatsApp does have strict guidelines to prevent spam and abuse, which may include limitations on bulk messaging.

To efficiently send 1000 messages in less than 30 seconds with customized templates and options, consider using WhatsApp Business API. It provides a more scalable solution for bulk messaging while adhering to WhatsApp's policies and regulations.

Additionally, optimizing your message-sending process by batching requests and leveraging asynchronous processing can help improve efficiency. However, ensure compliance with WhatsApp's policies to avoid any potential restrictions or penalties.

For further assistance and insights, you can join our group where developers share experiences and solutions: Feel free to ask any more questions you may have!"

May 8 at 11:20 AM