Stumped by webhook test messages, only one ever arrives

I'm trying to get Meta to send me test messages for page leadgen events (or anything, really), but they are never arriving to my webhook.

Verifications are working when I add the webhook, and I'm able to get Whatsapp messages, both test and live, but no other test is making it through.

I've read through all the leadgen and webhook documentation and I'm absolutely stumped. I've triple checked leadgen permissions all the way from the business account to the Meta app, but from what I glean from documentation that doesn't make a difference for test messages.

Querying the graph API shows subscribed_fields: leadgen.

Googling isn't bringing up anything related, it's a tricky one to search for.

Thanks a ton for your time, I really appreciate any help, hints, or insults!

Asked about 2 months ago