Email address not being returned by Graph API

For some reason email address is not being returned by Graph API. I use email to login to Facebook and all permissions are granted. Checked all my settings, but for my account email is not being returned and I lost access to my own websites where I used my own Facebook Login app that I created as developer. Others can login just fine.

and few other websites are facing this login issue.

When trying to login error is saying:

Please add email id in Facebook account later try again

Asked about 5 months ago
Selected Answer

Hello Nerijus,

Can you go to your account application settings page with URL below, click on your application, and tell if you can see a line that says "Email address"? with a Remove button?

January 22 at 2:09 AM

Yes I can see email address and all permissions are granted in Developer App. Everything from my part seems to be fine. The only thing I can think off is extra security added to my account after Meta Verified purchase.

January 25 at 11:54 PM

Hello Nerijus,

Are you make API calls to get the Facebook user profile on which you explicitly as for the user email address?

January 29 at 3:29 AM

It seems this is related to my Facebook account only...

January 29 at 5:20 AM

Yes...I am making API calls from same account

January 29 at 5:33 AM

Hello Nerijus, what scope values are you using when you obtain the OAuth token to access the Facebook APIs?

February 18 at 9:37 PM

I guess - name,email. On my Joomla site I am using Akeeba Social login and the two are in scope there. Also id, but email is important there

March 4 at 5:14 AM

Finally I found the bug and have the solution we all been waiting for. I do hope you make small donation for my work and hopefully Meta Support reads this and applies fix or at least informs users.

I posted solution and PayPal donation link on my forum.

I know this will make many users happy because I know this feeling when I was able to regain access to websites that I used Facebook to login.

Now it works.

Here is link to my forum post:

You can thank me later. Meta Support could not provide this help.

April 21 at 9:28 AM

The problem here is you can not ask to disable their fb creator account just to login in your app.

May 12 at 9:23 PM