Unable to proceed with Whatsapp Flow Builder or Whatsapp Flows

We have verified our business in Business settings > Security Center And we have already completed all required things which are to be done. But still we are unable to access Accounts > Flows in Whatsapp Manager. It is blocking our productivity Please guide us

Rama Kalyan
Asked about 3 weeks ago
Rama Kalyan

And when we click on get started it is navigating to other screen like verified by meta and Limits cannot be increased. But still we are not able to access any flows to build and develop

May 24 at 7:36 AM
Selected Answer

Hi Rama, take a look at https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/460856503178818/

May 28 at 1:11 AM
Rama Kalyan

Hi @Ayub, Thanks for the link, we have gone through the approach with high quality messaging. But do we have any other alternative approaches for initial development to the test the functionality of the flows?

May 28 at 1:22 AM