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Comments with videos not being sent through webhooks

I am having trouble getting webhooks notifications for comments with videos. I've confirmed that I'm receiving other types of comments (text and photos), but if I add a video to a comment on any type of post, I don't receive a webhooks notifications saying the comment was added.

Has anybody else run into this before or are able to receive webhooks notifications for posting comments with videos.

My reproduction steps have been something like: - Make a post on a FB page wall - Comment with a video comment - Wait to see if a webhooks notification comes in - Comment with a normal text comment - Confirm webhooks notification of the text comment

We're on webhooks v11.0

Asked about 10 months ago

Facing similar issue, not receiving webhooks for comments with video attachment or gif attachment

September 7 at 2:42 AM

I have the same problem with GIF and video. Did you find a solution?

September 14 at 5:49 AM
Selected Answer

Dear FB product managers & developers,

We are still facing this problem, would you mind to let us know when this can be fixed or do we have any plan to fix it? We are migrating from a polling solution to a webhook based pushed solution, and we really need a comment with video webhook event as lots of our customers posted videos comments. Thanks in advance.


March 24 at 5:51 PM

Facing the same issue. No getting comments that have video as a payload.

October 20 at 1:05 AM

the same issue

December 19 at 8:29 AM