Degraded Performanceshare-external
Inconsistent Webhook Payload for Comment Like/Unlike in Feed

We've encountered an unusual behavior with the webhook notifications for comment reactions in the feed. Specifically, we're observing that the verb field in the payload is consistently set to "add", regardless of whether a comment is Liked or Unliked.

Expected Behavior: When a user "unlikes" a comment, the webhook should send a payload with the verb set to "remove".

Actual Behavior: For both the Unlike actions on a comment, the webhook sends a payload with the verb set to "add" always not diffrence with simple Like

   "value": {
     "from": {
       "id": "xxxxxx",
       "name": "Test"
     "post_id": "xxxxxx",
     "comment_id": "xxxxxx",
     "created_time": 1698845187,
     "item": "reaction",
     "parent_id": "xxxxxx",
     "reaction_type": "like",
     "verb": "add"
   "field": "feed"


Asked about 8 months ago
Selected Answer


I'm trying to send "DELETE" method to this endpoint '..../objectID/likes?access_token=token'

It return {success:200} and i see the actual comment on Facebook it set to "UNLIKE"

But not with webhook, Whenever i call "POST" or "DELETE" method the endpoint It always come as

   "reaction_type": "like",
   "verb": "add"
November 6 at 1:15 AM

Hello! I've encountered a similar error as you. Have you found the solution yet?

January 11 at 2:34 AM

Hello, I only have a workaround solution, So I call an API everytime when webhook coming as "comment".

January 11 at 3:26 AM

Thank you, I also think currently this might be the only solution

January 12 at 1:52 AM