The Apple Developer Program & Privacy

The Apple Developer Program is designed to help you create and distribute apps while protecting your information.

  • We collect your personal information to create and maintain your developer account.
  • When you provide your government identification information or a selfie, we and our identity verification service provider use it to verify your identity.
  • To help identify and prevent fraud, information about your device, including device use patterns, are evaluated on your device and a score based on that information is sent to Apple.
  • We may also collect and use your bank account and tax information to pay you and comply with legal requirements.

Apple is committed to the privacy and security of your information. We collect only the data needed to enable developers to be successful on Apple platforms and to provide a safe experience for users. When we collect data, we believe it’s important for you to know what we are collecting and why we need it to support you as an Apple developer. Here are some examples of the types of information we may collect and use.

When you enroll in the Apple Developer Program, Apple uses information associated with your Apple ID, including your name, email address, age, phone number, preferred language, and country or region, to create and maintain your developer account and provide you with features of the Apple Developer Program. This may include providing you with access to the Apple Developer website, events, and content, and to send you emails and notifications.

In certain cases, such as enrolling in the Apple Developer Program or accepting the Account Holder role from an existing member, you may be asked to provide your government identification number, an image of your photo ID, and/or a selfie for identity verification purposes, depending on the requirements where you are located. Apple will also collect information about the device you use to apply to the Apple Developer Program and the security settings you’ve enabled for your Apple ID. Your device may also use device use patterns (for example, percent of time device is in motion, approximate number of calls per week, Maps history) to help identify fraud. The information is evaluated by your device and a score based on that information is shared with Apple.

Apple and its third-party identity verification service providers will use this information only to verify your identify and prevent fraud on behalf of Apple. Apple requires its third-party service providers to delete this information, and any information they obtained from it, as soon as it is no longer needed and retention is not required by law. If you provide an image of your government ID, Apple’s third-party identity verification service providers will check its authenticity and pull your name and address for verification. Apple’s third-party identity verification service providers will not keep the image. If you do not want to provide your government ID, and it is not required by law, you may contact Apple for an alternative method of identity verification at

Another developer may provide Apple your email address to invite you to join their development team in the Apple Developer Program. If you accept the invitation, your Apple ID will be associated with the team.

In order to receive payments from Apple, you will need to provide bank account information and complete tax forms. You can update these at any time in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking section of App Store Connect. Apple will only use this data to pay you and to comply with applicable law.

If you apply to attend an event, you must apply using the Apple ID associated with your Apple Developer Program membership. Your account information will be used in accordance with the event’s selection process to select participants and to register you for the event, if selected.

We retain personal information associated with your Apple Developer Program membership for as long as you are enrolled in the Apple Developer Program. Your account information is removed upon your request that your account be deleted. If you have questions or concerns about how your personal information is used as it relates to the Apple Developer Program, or would like to reach out to our Data Protection Officer, you can contact us at [email protected].

At all times, information collected by Apple will be treated in accordance with Apple’s Privacy Policy, which can be found at