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E-Cycles Retailers and Manufacturers

Questions? Contact Becky Webber: (802) 522-3658 or [email protected]


 Are you an electronics RETAILER?  See the list of brands of computers, TVs, printers, and monitors that may be sold in Vermont. (Click the top of the “Brand Name” column to sort alphabetically by brand.)

If a brand is not listed, the manufacturer has not registered with the Vermont E-Cycles Program, and computers, TVs, printers and monitors of that brand cannot be sold in Vermont. Contact the E-Cycles Program if you have questions about the status of a particular brand.

MANDATORY poster for retail locations--required to be posted in the store of ANY retail location that sells computers, monitors, printers, or televisions (10 V.S.A. §7556(c)) (poster is printable, or contact us for a color copy). 


New Registrations
Returning Registrant Login

You are a MANUFACTURER under the electronics waste law (10 V.S.A. Chapter 166) if you: 

  • manufacture or have manufactured a covered electronic device under its own brand or label for sale in the State;
  • sell in the State under its own brand or label covered electronic devices produced by another supplier;
  • own a brand that is or was licensed to another person for use on a covered electronic device sold in the State;
  • import into the United States for sale in the State a covered electronic device manufactured by a person without a presence in the United States;
  • manufacture covered electronic devices for sale in the State without affixing a brand name; or
  • assume the responsibilities, obligations, and liabilities of a manufacturer as defined above.

Refer to the Guidance Document for Electronics Manufacturers for more details on the requirements that apply.