Death-by-Degrees — 11/11/11 Tag from February again… I swear I’ve...

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Tag from February again… I swear I’ve nearly got through all the tag games I missed from then. I was tagged by @the-corner-girl​ in this one :) Thanks for the tag.

1.      What is the best writing advice you’ve heard?

The best writing advice I’ve ever heard… That’s a tough one. @pens-swords-stuff posts so much amazing writing advice that I don’t even think I could pick one post of theirs. I think I’ll go with a post I read ages ago and I can’t remember who wrote it, something along the lines of - You don’t have to write in chronological order. Write in any order, just get the writing out.

2.      Are there any particular writing tropes you love?

I don’t know if this is actually a trope, but I love stories where everyone is a little bit of an asshole. Friends to lovers is always a classic. Pitched battle, MC seems to be about to lose and then they pull an unbeatable move out of their proverbial. Found family. I probably have more, but my brain isn’t cooperating. Wounded character is tended to by their significant other and told off for getting themselves hurt.

3.      Any you hate?

Love triangles that involve cheating. Hero rescues damsel in distress, or kickass woman makes it almost all the way through and suddenly needs rescuing by a man. 

4.      What author has been your biggest inspiration?

Terry Pratchett (my writing is nothing like his, but he inspires me incredibly). Neil Gaiman (same as Sir Terry). I love David Gemmell books. Tolkien. Honestly I couldn’t pick just one.

5.      What do you think makes a good book?

That’s difficult… I love being surprised, but I also love the whole ‘leaving clues so that the reader may or may not guess the twist’. I adore epic world-building and complex magical systems (omg so much). Characters that I can think about for hours afterward… Mmmm I love characters that seem so real I expect to see them walking down the street.

6.      Do you listen to music when you write or sit in silence?

I have background noise going. I’m actually working on breaking the habit of having Youtube in the background and setting up some playlists to really get me groove on.

7.      What point of view do you prefer writing?

I enjoy third person multiple. It’s pretty much mostly what I write. But I have had some fun lately with first person, so I might try and write some more of that.

8.      When did you start writing seriously?

I’ve been writing seriously for a looooong time. Fiction, probably since I was twelve. But really I could go back further and say I’ve been seriously writing poetry since I was maybe six.

9.      Early bird or night owl?

Annoyingly I’m both lol. I stay up way too late and have to get up early but I’ve started being pretty functional in the mornings too. So now I get too little sleep.

10.   What is your favourite genre?

Fantasy. All fantasy. I love fantasy so much :)

11. (I added this in as the original only had ten, stolen from the original lol)   If you write by hand, what is your favourite writing utensil to use? If you write with tech, what is your favourite font to write in? Or if you do both, both!

I do both, but I really enjoy writing by hand. I use the finest pen I can find because my writing is tiny. It feels good to look at a page and think that I wrote all of that out myself.

Aaaalrighty, so here are my eleven questions.

  1. What is the view from where you write?
  2. What is your favorite part of the genre you write?
  3. What is your favorite fairy tale and why?
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? And describe the view out your window.
  5. Where did the idea for your current wip come from? (If multiple wips, then your favorite one.)
  6. Do you prefer past or present tense to write in? Why?
  7. If your favorite MC was a flower, what flower would they be?
  8. Beach, field or mountain?
  9. Describe your perfect morning.
  10. What is your favorite time of the day?
  11. What is the best writing prompt you’ve seen or written for?

Tagging @focusdumbass @sheabutterskyes @jaywrites101 @storiesandaisies @knightsofeclipse @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @fourohfourlifenotfound @marewriteblr @cawolters @vhum @bookishdiplodocus

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