What is the Honda Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)?
What is the Honda Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)?
The air pressure inside your tires is what supports the weight of the vehicle. Tire pressure is the air pressure specification, measure in pounds per square inch (PSI) that should be used for a specific tire type and size.
Starting with model years 2008 and newer, all Honda models have been equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS); prior to then, select models were equipped with the system. The TPMS monitors the tire pressure in your vehicle directly by way of pressure sensors in each tire, either directly by way of pressure sensors in each tire or indirectly by monitoring the speed at which each wheel turns and the outside temperature. See your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual to determine which type of system is equipped with your vehicle.
Though the TPMS is there to conveniently assist you in monitoring your tires, please do not rely on it for tire maintenance. Honda recommends that drivers inspect all tires monthly and make adjustments as needed to the tire pressure noted on the label in your doorjamb (or the applicable tire pressure for your tires if you have installed tires of a different size than what is listed). It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the tires are always operating at the recommended tire pressure.
Direct vs Indirect Systems
Direct TPMS has sensors attached to the inside of the valve stems that measure the air pressure of each tire. This allows individual tire pressures to appear on the information display to quickly identify which tire is affected should the pressure drop below the recommendation. Since there are components attached directly to the valve stem, the stem itself is made of metal to support the weight.
Indirect TPMS does not have any special equipment mounted to measure the tire pressures. Instead, the pressures are estimated using the Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) wheel speed sensors coupled with the outside temperature sensor to approximate the tire pressure. This has the benefit of not requiring specialized sensors to be installed, allowing the valve stem to be rubber. However, because the measurement is indirect, there is no indication of which tire has low pressure should the indicator come on.
TPMS Indicators
All Honda vehicles equipped with TPMS have an indicator on the instrument panel that illuminates when the system detects the tire pressure is below the recommended or calibrated level. This Low Tire Pressure indicator looks like a flat tire with an exclamation mark in the center.
Certain models and trim levels have a second indicator that illuminates if the system detects and issue with the TPMS operation. If equipped, the indicator displays the letters TPMS. Models without a separate indicator instead use the same Low Tire Pressure indicator when a fault occurs.
TPMS w/ Tire Fill Assist
The following Honda vehicles are equipped with a Fill Assist system, which uses the TPMS to provide visual and audible feedback on the state of the tire pressure when making adjustments.
Honda Odyssey: 2018 – Present
Honda Passport: 2019 – Present
Honda Pilot: 2016 – Present
The Fill Assist function operates when the ignition is ON, the transmission is in Park, and the pressure change is greater than or equal to 2.2 psi in one minute. The turn signals/hazard lights and the keyless remote buzzer activate in one of three different sequences, depending on what is detected:
If the tire pressure is below the recommended pressure rating, a single flash/buzz will occur every two seconds.
If the tire pressure is within the recommended pressure rating, the turn signal/buzz will trigger constantly in a three-second period.
If the tire pressure is above the recommended pressure rating, two flashes/buzzes will occur every two seconds.
One limitation of the system is that it can only detect and track one tire at a time. If multiple tires are being adjusted at once, the Fill Assist will monitor whichever tire that reaches the above operating criteria first. It is therefore recommended to adjust one tire’s pressure at a time.
TPMS Calibration
Indirect TPMS-equipped vehicles will require calibration after adjusting the tire pressure(s) or installing and servicing one or more tires. Information on how to complete the recalibration process varies between models and years, and can be found in your Owner’s Manual .
Vehicles equipped with direct TPMS do not require any special steps after resetting the tire pressure(s) or installing and servicing one or more tires. Driving the vehicle for a short distance allows the TPMS sensors within the tire to take readings and shut the indicators off if the pressure is within specification and no sensor issues are detected.
What should I do if my indicator(s) stays on?
You should not ignore an indicator light. Driving on underinflated tires could cause the tire(s) to overheat, which can lead to tire failure and a crash. It can also reduce fuel efficiency and the useful life of your tires. Taking care of your tires contributes to positive handling, ride, comfort, and safety performance. Please take the TPMS seriously and address any issues right away to help optimize the performance of your vehicle.
If the Low Tire Pressure indicator remains on after correcting tire pressure(s) and calibrating (if necessary), or the separate TPMS indicator comes on (for equipped models and trims), the vehicle should be inspected by a local Honda dealer to diagnose the issue.