How do I retrieve or unlock codes for my Honda radio and/or navigation system?
Your vehicle may come equipped with an anti-theft radio and/or navigation system. This anti-theft feature protects these units from being used if they were stolen from your vehicle. As a result, if either unit is ever disconnected from electrical power—such as the battery losing charge—the radio and/or navigation system may prompt you to enter an anti-theft code.
Before obtaining the radio and/or navigation code, you will need the following information:
• VIN • Zip code • Phone number • Email • Unit serial number
You can find your VIN on your windshield, in the door jamb, or on your registration or insurance card.
The radio and navigation serial numbers are located on an anti-theft card or sticker inside your glove compartment. If you can’t find it, you may be able to retrieve your serial number electronically. From the website homepage, click “Device Serial Number” for more information.
Once you have the details you need to obtain the code, you can click “Get Codes” from the above-mentioned website.