How To Put The Keyboard Back To Normal On iPad? A Comprehensive Guide 

by Eugene Lewis

The iPad’s keyboard is an essential tool for everyday use, seamlessly integrating with the device’s versatile functionality. Whether drafting an email, jotting down notes, or engaging in a quick chat, the keyboard’s role is pivotal in enhancing the user experience. However, users often encounter scenarios where their keyboard settings are inadvertently altered, leading to a layout that differs from the standard configuration. This can happen for various reasons, such as unintentional adjustments or software updates. Understanding how to reset the keyboard to its default state is crucial for maintaining productivity and ease of use. This article aims to guide iPad users through the simple process of restoring their keyboard to its normal setting, ensuring a smooth and efficient typing experience.

How To Put The Keyboard Back To Normal On iPad?

To put the keyboard back to normal on your iPad, you can follow these steps:

  • Access Settings: Open the ‘Settings’ app on your iPad.
  • Navigate To Keyboard Settings: In the Settings app, scroll down and tap on ‘General.’ Within General, find and select ‘Keyboard.’ 
  • Adjust Keyboard Settings: In the Keyboard settings, you’ll find various options that you can adjust. If your keyboard is split or floating, you can drag the keyboard back to the bottom of the screen with two fingers. Alternatively, you can turn off these features by toggling off ‘Split Keyboard’ or ‘Floating Keyboard.’
  • Disable Split Or Floating Keyboard: If the keyboard is split, you will see an option for ‘Split Keyboard.’ Toggle this off to return to the normal full-width keyboard. If the keyboard is floating, press and hold the keyboard button (bottom right), and choose Dock and Merge to revert to the normal keyboard.
  • Check For Additional Settings: Ensure other settings like ‘Auto-Correction’, ‘Predictive,’ ‘Check Spelling,’ and ‘Enable Caps Lock’ are set according to your preference.
  • Restart The iPad (Optional): If the keyboard still doesn’t return to normal, try restarting your iPad. Press and hold the top button and either volume button until the power off slider appears. Drag the slider, then wait a few moments before turning it back on.

Understanding iPad Keyboard Layouts 

The iPad’s virtual keyboard is designed to emulate the layout of a traditional physical keyboard while offering the flexibility and adaptability that touchscreens allow. It typically features a QWERTY layout, which is familiar to most users. However, Apple has incorporated various keyboard layouts and modes to cater to different user needs and preferences. These include the standard full-size keyboard, a split keyboard, and a floating keyboard. Each layout serves a unique purpose, enhancing the typing experience in different usage scenarios, such as typing while holding the iPad or when it’s placed on a surface.

The standard full-size keyboard on the iPad mirrors the layout of a traditional keyboard, with keys for letters, numbers, punctuation, and special characters. It automatically appears at the bottom of the screen when you tap a text field. This layout is optimized for typing efficiency and is familiar to most users, making it the go-to choice for extensive typing tasks. It also adjusts automatically when you switch orientations between portrait and landscape, ensuring optimal usability and comfort.

For users who prefer typing with their thumbs while holding the iPad, the split keyboard is an innovative solution. This feature divides the keyboard into two sections, each positioned on either side of the screen, making it easier to type with both thumbs. The split keyboard is particularly useful when using the iPad without a surface to rest it on. Activating and using the split keyboard is straightforward, and it can be toggled on or off in the keyboard settings or by using a simple gesture.

The floating keyboard is a compact version of the standard layout, designed to increase screen visibility and offer more flexibility in positioning. It can be moved around the screen, allowing users to place it in the most convenient location for their current task. This layout is particularly useful when multitasking or when using apps that require more screen real estate. The floating keyboard is small, similar to a smartphone keyboard, and can be activated or deactivated easily, catering to the needs of users who prioritize space and convenience.

Troubleshooting Common Keyboard Issues On iPad

Keyboard Not Appearing:

If the keyboard doesn’t appear when you tap a text input field, first ensure that no external keyboard is connected, as the iPad disables the on-screen keyboard in this case. Try closing and reopening the app where you’re experiencing the issue. Sometimes, a simple restart of the app can resolve minor glitches. If the problem persists across multiple apps, try restarting your iPad. This can often fix temporary software glitches that might be causing the keyboard to malfunction.

Unresponsive Keyboard:

If the keyboard appears but doesn’t respond to taps, check if the issue is isolated to a specific app. If so, updating or reinstalling that app might solve the problem.

Free up memory by closing unused apps running in the background, as a lack of available memory can sometimes cause responsiveness issues. For persistent problems, a hard reset of the iPad might be necessary. This can be done by pressing and holding the home and power buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears.

Incorrect Language/Layout:

If the keyboard is in the wrong language or layout, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards. Here, you can add, remove, or rearrange keyboard languages.

Ensure the correct language is set as the default. If multiple keyboard languages are enabled, you can switch between them by tapping the globe icon next to the space bar.

Keyboard Size Or Position Issues:

If the keyboard is split or floating and you want to return it to its normal full size at the bottom of the screen, you can drag the keyboard back with two fingers or disable the split and floating options in Settings.

Software Glitches:

Sometimes, issues may be due to a bug in the iPad OS. Check if there are any software updates available by going to Settings > General > Software Update. Installing the latest update can resolve known bugs and improve overall functionality.

Customizing Your iPad Keyboard Experience 

Customizing the iPad keyboard experience allows users to tailor the keyboard to their specific needs and preferences, enhancing their overall interaction with the device. Here are ways to personalize the iPad keyboard:

  1. Adding New Keyboards For Different Languages: To add keyboards in different languages, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard. Here, you can choose from a wide range of languages and special keyboard layouts (like emoji or third-party keyboards). Once added, you can switch between keyboards by tapping the globe or emoji icon next to the space bar when the keyboard is open.
  2. Using Third-Party Keyboards: The iPad allows the installation of third-party keyboards available through the App Store. These keyboards often come with unique features like swipe typing, custom themes, and additional emojis. After downloading a third-party keyboard app, activate it in Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard and select the keyboard under “Third-Party Keyboards”. It’s important to note that some third-party keyboards require full access to operate all their features, which may include sending anonymous usage statistics to the developer.
  3. Adjusting Keyboard Settings For Accessibility: The iPad offers various accessibility features to make the keyboard easier to use for those with specific needs. For example, you can enable features like ‘Sticky Keys’ or ‘Slow Keys’ in Settings > Accessibility > Keyboards. You can also adjust the keyboard’s text size and boldness for better visibility under Display & Brightness settings.
  4. Customizing Text Replacement: Text replacement is a useful feature for creating shortcuts for commonly used phrases. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement to add new shortcuts. For example, typing “omw” can be set to automatically expand to “On my way!”. Adjusting Keyboard, FeedbaYou can toggle keyboard sounds and haptic feedback on or off. This is done in Settings > Sounds & Haptics (for keyboard sounds) and Settings > General > Keyboard (for haptic feedback on compatible models).
  5. Experimenting With Keyboard Shortcuts: If you’re using an external keyboard with your iPad, you can utilize various keyboard shortcuts to streamline your workflow. These shortcuts can be app-specific or general iOS commands.

Advanced Tips And Tricks 

Advanced tips and tricks for using the iPad keyboard can significantly enhance productivity and make the user experience more efficient. Here are some sophisticated techniques for getting the most out of your iPad’s keyboard:

  1. Utilizing Keyboard Shortcuts: When using an external keyboard, familiarize yourself with iOS keyboard shortcuts. For instance, Command + Tab to switch apps, Command + C to copy, and Command + V to paste. Many apps have their own set of shortcuts. Hold down the Command key in any app to see a list of shortcuts available for that specific app.
  2. Creating Custom Text Replacement Shortcuts: Beyond simple phrases, use the text replacement feature for longer templates like email responses or commonly used technical terms. To create these, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, where you can set up custom shortcuts for longer texts.
  3. Using Gestures On The On-Screen Keyboard: You can quickly split or merge the on-screen keyboard by using pinch gestures. Pinch out with two fingers to split the keyboard and pinch in to merge it back. Swiping down on a key to type the number or symbol printed in the top corner of the key is faster than switching to the numerical keyboard layout.
  4. Leveraging Multitasking With The Keyboard: Use the keyboard to enhance multitasking. For example, when in an app, use the Command + Space shortcut to quickly open Spotlight search without leaving the app. You can also use split view or slide over with keyboard shortcuts to work on multiple apps simultaneously.
  5. Dictation For Quick Typing: Use the iPad’s dictation feature to convert speech to text, which can be much faster than typing for longer pieces of text. Tap the microphone on the keyboard and start speaking.


In conclusion, understanding and customizing your iPad keyboard is key to enhancing your overall experience with the device. Whether it’s returning the keyboard to its normal state, troubleshooting common issues, or personalizing settings for a more comfortable typing experience, these tips ensure that your iPad remains a versatile and efficient tool in your daily life. With a range of customizable features and advanced tricks at your disposal, you can tailor the iPad keyboard to fit your specific needs and preferences, maximizing both productivity and ease of use.

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