Bionic Chatbots and Site Concierge available TODAY!

  • 19 March 2024
  • 2 replies

  • Anonymous
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Hey there fellow Drift community members!

I couldn't be more thrilled to share some game-changing news with you all today! Drumroll, please... 🥁


🚀 Today we are officially introducing Drift's Revolutionary Bionic Chatbots and Site Concierge out into the world for all of our friends to add to their accounts! 🚀

If you're like me, you're constantly on the lookout for innovative tools to streamline customer interactions, boost engagement, and drive conversions.  Drift has truly outdone themselves with these latest offerings.


So, what exactly are Bionic Chatbots and Site Concierge, you ask?

Imagine having your chatbot,  but now harnesses the power of AI.  In other words, it’s Chatbots that not only understand and respond to your customers in real-time but also learn and evolve over time to deliver even more personalized and effective interactions. That's precisely what Drift's Bionic Chatbots bring to the table!

And as if that wasn't impressive enough, Drift's Site Concierge transforms how visitors engage with your site by offering a seamless human-in-the-loop experience with your widget. Your customers get the best of both worlds – the efficiency of automation and the warmth of human assistance, all wrapped up in one delightful package by booking meetings, accessing resources.


Here's why you should be jumping on board with these game-changers:

Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide instant support and guidance to your website visitors, making their journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Increased Conversions: Engage prospects at the right moment with personalized messages, nudging them towards conversion and boosting your bottom line.

24/7 Availability: Never miss an opportunity to connect with leads or assist customers, no matter the time or timezone.

But hey, don't just take my word for it! If you're curious to learn more about how Drift's Bionic Chatbots and Site Concierge can revolutionize your business, I highly recommend checking out the official pages for Site Concierge and Bionic Chatbots for an in-depth look at these incredible tools.

Let's embrace the future of customer engagement together with Drift's Bionic Chatbots and Site Concierge. Your customers will thank you for it! 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences with these amazing products, but if you’re still on the fence about would like to learn even more about them; we’ll be offering up two webinar’s focusing on the product that’s being hosted by our very own @cseele98 , @Holly Xiao , and @Ryan Bovy.  So head on over to our events page here in the community for a link to sign up, and if you have any questions or comments in the meantime, drop them below!



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Our very own @Noah Kortkamp pumped out a special edition of his TL:DR update as well for a little sneak peak of these two new features.


He's also got the transcript of the conversation up over here too if you'd like to read it.


And in line with the content I’ve already shared above, our Product Marketing Director @Holly Xiao has written a pretty in depth blog post on these topics as well.  It’s a great read on fueling smarter interactions, generating personalized guidance, and fluid conversations.  

Check it out here!
