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Workspace member added to visible boards in the workspace

Marquin Mercullo May 28, 2024

I have one workspace member which I am billed already as additional. 

In my workspace some are private boards. I set setting for the workspace member to access visible boards only. 

On those visible boards, I set the commenting permission to members of the board since I also have workspace guest who are in those boards. 

By setting the commenting permission to members of the board, I have to add the workspace member to the board again. I have to add him to 3 boards within the workspace. 

Will I be charge as a multi board user for that workspace member being added to the boards in the workspace? 

Can you help me clarify this. 

Thank you

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Brittany Joiner
Community Leader
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May 29, 2024

@Marquin Mercullo if someone is a workspace member OR if they are added to more than one board, you are charged for them. But you won't be charged for them twice if they are both a workspace member, and added to multiple private boards in the workspace.

So you will pay for that user because a) they are a workspace member or b) because they're part of more than 1 board. But you will not pay for them twice. Which i think is what you're asking?

Marquin Mercullo June 4, 2024

Thank you @Brittany Joiner  it makes sense now. 

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