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Once somebody clicks on 'Don't show me this again' option for the Readme power up's notification,

John Lazarus
I'm New Here
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February 2, 2024

As the title suggests, we have some users who have clicked on the 'Don't show me this again' option for the Readme powerup's option that comes as we were testing some things out. What would be the way to start seeing it again?

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Mutya A
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2024

Hi John, welcome to the Trello Community!

You should be able to find the Readme Power-up icon when it's enabled on that board. Here's what the icon looks like below:

Once you click on it, the Readme will pop up and you can choose to uncheck the 'Don't show me this again' option from there. 

Hope this helps but let me know if you have any other questions!

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