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How does your team use Trello with JIRA and Confluence?

Forrest Hodges
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July 21, 2017

Our team has used JIRA for software development, and we are making a transition to website building and SEO Services. We have JIRA/Confluence for the SEO side setup, but we think Trello might be a better fit for what we are trying to accomplish. JIRA is great - but now that we don't have a huge software project, we are wondering if JIRA is a good choice for our Websites and SEO side.

I learned today that Trello and JIRA are used together to collaborate on projects, and was wondering just how your team integrates the two together. Our team would add bugs, improvements, etc. for our software to JIRA and they would already be workable tasks, with workflow status and all, but Trello seems to be trying to accomplish the same thing.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 26, 2017

Hi Forest,

I'd suggest looking at the JIRA Power-Up for Trello which let's you easily link JIRA issues to Trello cards. This will allow everyone in your organization across all departments to see what work is getting done and you can use it to associate work outside of JIRA directly to the JIRA items. The Power-Up also allows you to create a new JIRA issue from within the Trello card. 

Denise, Trello Support

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