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Does the power-up storage limit apply to each card or all cards in the board?

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February 4, 2024

As stated above, the power-up storage limit for cards/shared pair should be 4096. This sounds that it applies to the power-up generally speaking, not for each card. Is this the case? Couldn't find an answer anywhere. Thank you.

2 answers

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Tymek Zapała _Colorful Budget_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 6, 2024



It's a bit more nuanced - it depends how you save your power-up data.


The limit is set for scope/visibility pair. It means that you have 4096 character limit for every unique pair. So answering your question, it depends how you store your power-up data.

For example, if you use:

t.set('card', 'shared', value);

The limit applies to one card in shared visibility, because you use card scope. But if you use:

t.set('board', 'shared', value);

Then the limit applies to whole board in shared visibility.

Scope can be: board, card, member or organization, and visibility can be shared or private.

Remember about different visibility

Character limit being set for unique pair means that you have separate 4096 characters storage for the same scope but different visibility, for example:

t.set('board', 'shared', value);


t.set('board', 'private', value);

Hope it helps


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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 5, 2024


My understanding it is per card. 

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