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Can I get notifications for due dates?

Katie P
I'm New Here
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July 19, 2017

I was wondering if there is something to turn on, so that I can receive notification reminders (like you get in Outlook email) when I set a due date?
OR is there an add-in to where I could use Trello and Outlook together?

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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July 19, 2017

Hey Katie!

Trello will send a notification to anyone subscribed to the card, list, or board where the due date is held.  This notification will automatically trigger 24 hours before the due date, and currently is not customizable.  You can link your Trello board and your personal Outlook calendar together, which will give you more flexibility in arranging how you receive reminders about upcoming due dates.  I recommend using Cronofy for Trello, as it is the most reliable feed in my experience.

There is an Outlook add-in that you can add for Trello which will give you the ability to create cards directly from your Outlook.  I don't believe, however, that it also integrates your calendar so I think that'll still need to be separate.  

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