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Butler rule help

Jan June 19, 2024

On every card we use a code that starts with alpha and ends with numeric then there is a name given in alpha. I have a butler rule that needs to create another card if there is an alpha trigger as part of the code.

So i.e. if PR is part of the code the bot should create the new card 

My issue is the bot is picking up what is in the name as well as what is in the code.

Is there a shortcut that I should use to only pick up the alpha prior to the numeric so it will ignore the name?

Thanks in advance


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Rising Star
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June 20, 2024

Not quite sure what the code looks like, could you type up examples? In my head I see Alpha234PR? The formatting matters. And examples of which ones you want to be picked up by the automation.

The basic way is that the trigger can have filters that check if the card titles starts with, ends with, contains - a piece of text.

Or more advanced is to play around with Wildcards, that are much more specific and powerful, but which can be tricky to get right depending on the format.

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